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这里的要更象是”匍匐前进的肮脏东西“。This is more like the Creeping Crud.

你不需要写DAO,如果你只是需要一般性CRUD的功能。You don't need to write DAOs if you just need generic CRUD functionality.

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不切实际的希望这个词是个矛盾体,告诉你这个概念的人是白痴。The term false hope is an oxymoron, and the person feeding you this crud is a moron.

对数据项的创建、读取、更新和删除的所有CRUD操作都被支持。All CRUD operations are supported for creating, reading, updating, and deleting items.

尽管这个脚手架有一个“标准的”UI,它可以让您在数据表上进行所有的CRUD操作。Although this scaffold has a 'standard' UI, it lets you try all CRUD operations on your tables.

你可以自由的进行精确的CRUD操作、执行查询和规范等。You get sophisticated CRUD operations, execution of queries as well as specifications for free.

你不会相信那些来自西方或是亚洲其他地方无知的家伙对我的国家大放厥词。You won't believe the ignorant crud written online about my country by Westerners and other Asians.

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作者进而描述了如何规避该反模式的风险,但解决方案所使用的依然是CRUD。The author goes on to describe how to mitigate the risk and issues but the solution still uses CRUD.

我们冲洗了洗碗间,厨房,递菜的台子,把水扫到下水道去。We hosed the dish room, the kitchen, the serving line, sending the water and crud and suds into the drains.

他是一名罪犯,痛恨政府,对烟酒有着极深的欲望,不把权威放在眼里。He is a convict, he hates the government, wants to drink and smoke, and doesn’t give a crud about authority.

是微软针对轻量级CRUD风格应用程序的一种回应,它于最近发布,包含了两方面的内容。LightSwitch, Microsoft’s answer to lightweight CRUD style applications, has recently been released in two parts.

用这个来确认你送出的邮件没有多余垃圾的纯文本文件。Use this on something in your sent-mail folder, verifying sending of plain text without unnecessary attached crud.

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你不会从其他人身上沾染到污垢,大家因为你有维护自己以及其他人的能力而尊敬你。But you don't take any crud from other people and they respect you for your ability to stick up for yourself and others.

由于其烃源岩及原油的认识还未进一步系统化,且其油源问题尚存在较大的分歧。But the cognition of Source rocks and crud oil has not been systemized and the source of oil has a degree of bifurcation.

较详细地叙述和讨论了普雷克斯流程中界面污物生成的原因和在工厂运行中的危害。Causes of crud formation in purex process and its harmful effect on plant operation are de- scribed and discussed in some detail.

JLINQ就是通过这种方式,在选中的数据表中,为执行CRUD操作而生成基于面向对象的类和接口。This is where JLINQ generates the OO-based classes and interfaces required to perform the CRUD operations on the selected tables.

我看到,人们越来越多建立灰色粗各地的自行车,和一些油性前瞻性地区的公路上钉和前面的汽车。I saw that there was a growing build-up of grey crud all over the bike, and some oily-looking areas on the highway pegs and front of the motor.

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所以我不认为这是一篇很好地介绍CRUD反模式的文章,而更多地是一片介绍使用.NET实现CRUD的反模式的文章。So I don’t think this is a good example of a CRUD anti-pattern but more an example of an anti-pattern for implementing CRUD with a .NET solution.

Rails中有一个ActiveRecord类,它是数据库表的抽象,既可以作基本的CRUD操作,也可以完成查找、排序和数据遍历。Rails has an ActiveRecord class, which is an abstraction of a database table and lets you do basic CRUD as well as search, sort and data traversal.

本文主要从有机相、水相、固体微粒和空气四方面对絮凝物的成因及其控制和处理方法进行了初步的探讨。In this paper, the formation, control and treatment of the crud were discussed in four aspects of organic and aqueous phases, solid particles and air.