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撬开它。Unclench it.

我多么希望你能松开你的双拳。I wish U'd unclench Ur fists.

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把拳头分开,随心而活。Unclench your fist, live from your heart.

他的双手反复地攥紧又松开。His hands continued to clench and unclench.

尽管奥巴马请求暴君们“松开你们的拳头”,伊朗和朝鲜依然很有挑衅性。North Korea remained belligerent despite Mr Obama's plea to tyrannies to "unclench your fist".

严禁撞击、踢打、撬动,或以其它方式企图打开电梯的轿门和层门。Never try to open the car door or hall door through improper means such as strike, kick, and unclench.

伊朗和北朝鲜仍然是好战的,即便奥巴马对暴政央求“松开你们的拳头”。Iran and North Korea remained belligerent despite Mr Obama's plea to tyrannies to "unclench your fist".

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美国总统奥巴马曾敦促伊朗领导人为两国关系有新开始而“松开拳头”。U.S. President Barack Obama had urged Iran's leadership "to unclench its fist" for a new start in ties.

正如奥巴马总统在就职演讲中所说,我们会伸出双手,但他们也必须松开拳头。As the President said in his inaugural address, we will hold out our hand-they have to unclench their fist.

到那个时候,人类就永远失去对约书尔的掌握,剩下的一切将慢慢融入北极的荒漠。Then the human grasp on Yor Shor will unclench forever, leaving it to slowly tumble into the Arctic desert.

正像我在我的就职演说中说过的那样,如果伊朗这样的国家愿意松开他们的拳头,他们就会看到我们伸过来的友好之手。And as I said during my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.

奥巴马在去年的就职演讲表示伊朗与朝鲜等对手如愿意松开紧握的拳头,美国愿意递橄榄枝,而保守派人士指责这种想法过去天真。Conservatives criticized Obama's inaugural speech last year as naive for offering to extend a hand to adversaries like Iran and North Korea if they would "unclench" their fists.

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在上一个月他的就职仪式上,总统说他的政府将进入竞争阶段,宣布“我们将伸出一只手,如果你愿意松开你紧握的拳头。”At his inauguration last month, the president said his administration would reach out to rival states, declaring "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."