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汉密尔顿喜欢玩文字游戏。Hamilton loves wordplay.

双关语是所有语言里都存在的一种文字游戏。Puns are a form of wordplay that exists in all languages.

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这些笑话多是建立在双关语和文字游戏的基础之上。The jokes themselves are often based on puns and wordplay.

所以这是记者从公平的竞争环境。现在的文字游戏。So that was news from the playing field. Now to the wordplay.

澳大利亚人喜欢玩文字游戏,时不时地说些俚语。Australians love wordplay and have slang words for every occasion.

在回答这个问题之前,就这两个双重的称谓来点巧妙应答可能会比较得体。Before answering the question, a little more wordplay on the dual title may be in order.

世界上最受喜爱的两大活动,足球和双关语成为本周新闻。Two of the world's favorite activities -- soccer and wordplay -- are in the news this week.

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这一章题为文字游戏是最强的,这也是恰当的,因为玩就是嘻哈做得最好的。The chapter entitled "Wordplay" is the strongest, and that's appropriate, since play is what hip-hop does best.

女性对故事和文字游戏的反应比滑稽剧更强烈可以用来解释这一发现。The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick.

女性对故事和文字游戏的反应比滑稽剧更强烈可以用来解释这一发现。The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick.

但是击败全球最强人类对手需要具有能够阐明双关语和其他一些微妙的暗示语的能力,‘沃森’就具备这些能力。requires the ability to interpret wordplay and other subtle hints--but beat the best human contestants in the world.

皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.

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歌词以也门方言和考究的阿拉伯语写成,充满了优雅的词藻和深切的情感。The poetic repertory , written in Yemeni dialect and classic Arabic, abounds in elegant wordplay and often expresses profound emotion.

它将声画效果与机智的双关语融合起来,还经常讨论一些主流媒体避谈的敏感话题。It mixes sound effects, graphics, and witty wordplay. The show also addresses sensitive topics not generally covered by the mainstream media.

本文对莎士比亚在其剧作中运用的艺术手段———双关语,暗示,象征———进行了分析和评论。This paper makes an analysis of and comments on the unique artistic q ualities in shakespeare's works such as wordplay implication and symbolism.

但语言学家们说不论那些电子缩写看起来有多傻,这种文字游戏确实对提高学生的拼写能力有积极影响。But language experts say that no matter how dumbed down the techno shorthand looks, the wordplay has a positive impact on students' spelling smarts.

超现实主义及其虚幻般的相关意识,非常有利于创造广告、漫画、主题公园的文字游戏和心理象征。Surrealism, with its dreamlike associations, easily lent itself to the wordplay and psychological symbolism of advertising, cartoons, and theme parks.

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并没有人给我来一盘油炸金蝙蝠,我一向也不讨厌生菜。只是面对一份节日特餐菜单,我算被这种文字游戏彻底填腻了。No one offered me a dish of golden fried bat, and I have nothing against romaine lettuce, but it was at the special holiday menu that I had my fill of this wordplay.