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你的母亲好么?And your mother?

她讨厌母亲。She hates Mother.

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小孩的母亲立马僵住了。The mother froze.

辛巴有个妈妈。Simba has a mother.

这是我的妈妈。Thiss is my mother.

我是小兰的妈妈。I am Linda's mother.

他向母亲大叫。He shouted to Mother.

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我母亲是一个寡妇。My mother is a widow.

她是一位慈母。She is a fond mother.

母鹰飞走了。The mother flew away.

我的妈妈是赶什么?What's my mother jop?

他的母亲纵容他。His mother babied him.

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鸟妈妈飞下去。Mother bird goes down.

难道你没有妈妈吗?So you have no mother.

我是一个哺乳期的母亲。I was a nursing mother.

特瑞沙是一个修女。Mother Teresa is a nun.

母亲给我熨衬衫。Mother ironed my shirt.

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妈妈要我呆在家里。Mother wants meto stay.

我母亲极讨厌狗。My mother detests dogs.

她就是英格尔的母亲。She was Ingel's mother.