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他言辞激烈地否认对他的谴责。He vehemently denied the accusations against him.

公司酋长,也有人极力主张合并。Corporate chieftains, too, argue vehemently in favor of mergers.

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这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.

你可能会强烈地否认你曾经成为这些伎俩的受害者。You may vehemently deny that you’ve ever fallen victim to such ploys.

自怀孕之后,她就喜欢上了孕妇装,并受启发开了自己的服装线。Also, her camp has vehemently denied rumors of her faking her pregancy.

这些组织采用纳粹行头,尊崇纳粹教义,并且强烈反华。They have adopted Nazi paraphernalia and dogma, and are vehemently anti-Chinese.

“那是太平洋地区最骇人听闻的丑恶地方了,”戴维逊激动地喊道。"it was the most crying scandal of the pacific, " exclaimed davidson vehemently.

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“我并不要对你报复,”希刺克厉夫回答,火气稍减。I seek no revenge on you, ' replied Heathcliff less vehemently. 'That's not the plan.

在阅读了这一网站的转帖后,许多网民对其丈夫口诛笔伐。Many netizens vehemently abused Wang Fei after reading posts copied from that website.

当保尔森先生释出了他的方案后,而麦凯恩先生强力投入到辩论中。Then Mr. Paulson released his plan, and Mr. McCain weighed vehemently into the debate.

事实上,大多数这类人会把常规思维视为需要强烈避免的东西。In fact, most of these people would consider the norm as something to vehemently avoid.

他和潘克洛夫同样崇拜他的主人,可是表现得不那么热烈。He had the same faith in his master that Pencroft had, but he showed it less vehemently.

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皇亲国戚们的狩猎洗动被描绘得有条不紊、紧张热烈。The hunting activities of the royal relatives are showed tensely, vehemently but orderly.

据阿比巴说,遇害的女学生有百余人,但这遭到了巴基斯坦政府的强烈否认。She says hundreds of female students were killed, a charge the Government vehemently denies.

在NBA决赛中他也曾经同湖人的教练加里。维蒂为他受伤的膝盖激烈争吵。He argued vehemently with Lakers trainer Gary Vitti about his bum knee during the NBA Finals.

许多人逃避我,并极力地否定我的存在,因为我的存在让他们恐惧。Many people run from Me and vehemently deny My existence, because My closeness terrifies them.

把孩子叫到面前时,这个7岁的小家伙却极力否认是他做的。When confronted, the 7-year-old guilty party denied quite vehemently that she had done the deed.

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当然,也有少数媒体对罗斯是否能当选MVP持强烈的否定态度。There is of course a minority of the media that vehemently argue against Rose winning the MVP award.

男孩可能玩芭比娃娃,穿裙子,强烈拒绝体育运动还说他想变成女孩。A boy might play with Barbies, wear dresses, vehemently reject sports and say that he wants to be a girl.

与会者可以暗示他们是同意、不同意,部分统一还是极力反对——不能用话语。Participants can indicate if they agree, disagree, kind of agree or oppose vehemently -- all non-verbally.