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你会缝衣服吗?Can you sew?

他们喜欢缝纫。They love to sew.

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我是工作只是缝缝补补。Mine is just sew, sew.

你会做针线吗?。Do you know how to sew?

很多人都喜欢缝。Many people love to sew.

我本人溢流收费缝合。My chequer tolled me sew.

她不让我把伤口缝起来。She won't let me sew her up.

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你能帮我钉一下扣子吗?Can you sew on these buttons?

嘿,我的确用白线缝的!Why, I did sew it with white!

并且你也没有必要去自己去缝制。And you don't even have to sew.

你能给我钉个扣子吗?Can you sew a button on for me?

她会做饭,但是不会织补衣服。She can cook, but she can't sew.

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你可以看见缝针扎出的小洞。To sew with a buttonhole stitch.

他们将垄断整个市场。They will sew up the whole market.

嘿,我的确用白线缝的!汤姆!Why, I did sew it with white! Tom!

我让她把我的大衣扣缝上了。HAD he sew a button on my overcoat.

我喜欢学如何做饭和缝纫。I like learning how to cook and sew.

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害羞的雪莉说她将会织被单。Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.

包边缝用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫…To sew with long, overlying stitches.

我们可用手缝或机器缝。We can sew by hand or with a machine.