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阿什利一直问我要不要过去和燕姿合张影,不过我有点小害羞啦。Ashley kept asking if I wanted to go take a photo with her but I shy leh.

虽然小皮皮岛是泰国最小的岛屿,但它却绝对是最著名的一个。Although Phi Phi Leh is the smallest island here, she's arguably the most famous.

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阿什利一直问我要不要过去和燕姿合张影,不过我有点小害羞啦。还仍然沉浸在燕姿的笑容中。Ashley kept asking if I wanted to go take a photo with her but I shy leh. Am contented with the smile.

我们以印度河沿岸一个名叫列城的城镇作为根据地,用了将近一个星期才经由陆路到达那里。We were based in a town called Leh situated on the Indus River. We travelled to Leh by road, which took about a week.

他补充强调称,中国军队正向列城前进,过了列城就没有什么可以阻止中国人了。Nehru added for emphasis that the Chinese forces were heading toward Leh and there was nothing to stop them after that.

印度北部Leh的高纬度的沙漠进入了喜马拉雅上的雨影区,像撒哈拉沙漠一样有一点仓促。The high-altitude desert of Leh in northern India falls in the rain shadow of the Himalayas, receiving as little precipitation as the Sahara.

他表示,高盛和雷曼兄弟LEH.N等银行可能没有充分对冲抵押贷款风险,以避免资产冲减.He said banks like Goldman and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc LEH.N may not have hedged their mortgage exposure sufficiently to avoid write-downs.

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继上周雷曼兄弟LEH.N破产和美林MER.N同意被收购后,这两家公司成为美国仅存的大型独立投资银行.The two were the only big independent U.S. investment banks left after the failure of Lehman Brothers LEH.N and the agreed takeover of Merrill Lynch MER.N last week.

消息人士称,三名男子体格健壮,此前一直无法对其进行审问,直到将其带往列城后,翻译能够听懂他们的语言。The three men, who are well built, cannot be interrogated until they are brought to Leh town where translators could be used to understand their language, the sources said.

研究发现,LEH能使血液粘度降低,并可改善红细胞聚集指数,LEH加入到血液中不会导致血栓形成,尚有轻微减缓体外血栓形成作用。The study found that LEH can decrease the blood viscosity, improve erythrocyte gathering properties , and LEH can not only induce thrombosis, but also reduce thrombus formation in vitro.

雷曼兄弟提交破产申请后,大体上并未因长达一年之久的信贷危机而受伤的国家,周一也开始评估潜在损失.Countries that had so far escaped the yearlong credit crisis largely unscathed scrambled on Monday to quantify the potential losses after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc LEH.N filed for bankruptcy.