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他说,好事多磨,这也是道的一部分。This is also part of the Dao.

总理您好我是香港新岛日报的记者。I am with Xin Dao Daily of Hong Kong.

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外国人能读懂道德经吗?Can foreigners understand Dao De Jing?

这种短刀是插在腰带上面的。This short Dao is girded on waistband.

棒棰岛牌酱油。Bang Chui Dao Brand Worcestershire Sauce.

产卵场在我国钓鱼岛西北部。The spawning ground is northwest of Diaoyu Dao.

咦?刀被丝巾一分为二了?Dao is cut into two pieces by silk hankerchief ?

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我有一剑和你刀说并不定是同胞兄妹呢?I have one Jian which is not twins with your Dao?

他也体现了道县生活的转型。He also embodies the transformation of Dao County.

盘王节简直就是瑶族人和其他名族的一个大聚会。It is a big party for Dao people and other nations.

庄子认为道无处不在,甚至包括他的屎。Zhuangzi thinks Dao is everywhere and in everything.

道分为常道和非常道。Dao is classified into constant Dao and inconstant Dao.

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周敦颐,字茂叔,道州营道县人。He uncle zhou dunyi, word, state-run dao county people.

成俊让昌秀监视道贤他们作战。ChengJun let chang show surveillance dao Yin they fight.

这件和田青玉饰品貌似是个刀柄吧?Is this Tian Qing jade decoration similar as Dao handle?

看法一致,明以前的东西是简洁但不简单。I agree. Dao before Ming dynasty is simple and pithiness.

刀上的文字似乎是藏文和梵文很象的。The words on Dao seem to be Tibetan letter and Devanagari.

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如果智慧要受惩罚,你岂不要千刀万刮!If wisdom to be punished, you don't do to qian dao wan shave!

这些都属于非常道的教育内容。All these are the contents of education of the inconstant Dao.

因为这样,慎到排斥知识以及自我意识。For the reason, Shen Dao excluded knowledge and self-awareness.