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菲尔以为她们要开始吵架了。Phyl expected them to start brawling.

啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨!Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate.

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他们因在街上打斗而遭到拘捕。They were arrested for brawling in the street.

你轻轻的合上了这个世界的门,外面充斥着大声的喧哗。You gently closed the door of this world brawling loud.

笑的风风雨雨,沙哑,吵架的笑声青年,半裸体。Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth, half-naked.

徒手打斗和刺伤是最常见的类型。Unarmed brawling and stabbing were the most common types of violence.

当一切结束后,他的模样就像是与一支橄榄球队干了一架。When he was done, he looked like he'd been brawling with an entire rugby side.

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菲儿以为他们要开始吵架了,可是库柏太太只是很和善的哈哈大笑了一阵。Phyl expected them to start brawling , but Mrs. Cooper merely laughed good-naturedly.

布坎南因与警察发生肢体冲突而被乔治敦大学停学一年。Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police.

他希望建立一个类似独裁的政府,以制止人们在"自然状态"下的争斗Hobbes wants this sort of dictatorship to keep people from brawling in the state of nature.

宁可住在房顶的角上,不在宽阔的房屋,与争吵的妇人同住。It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

宁可住在房顶的角上,不在宽阔的房屋与争吵的妇人同住。better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.

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哈尔滨女装折扣网我以为他只是需要朋友来解闷,所以也就没有在意男友平时跟他在一起的打打闹闹。I think he just need friends to boredom, so it does not care about her usual with him brawling.

桑德博格笔下“激烈、强健、吵闹”的芝加哥,在1850年后开始迎来人口的两倍、三倍的增长。The "stormy, husky, brawling " Chicago of Sandburg doubled and tripled in population after 1850.

宁可住在房顶的角上,不在宽阔的房屋与争吵的妇人同住。It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.

犹太儿童较多受到打斗伤害,非犹太儿童更常受到轻武器伤害。Brawling affected Jewish children more, while non-Jewish children were more often injured by firearms.

芝加哥是一座充满暴风雨、高楼大厦和喧嚣的城市,这里的人民很清楚怎样保护自己的食品。The people of Chicago, that stormy, husky, brawling kind of town, sure know how to tie on the feed bag.

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由于争吵不断,我意识到,即使没有这个特殊的信息素可以使两人协调。As the brawling continued, I realized that not even pheromones could make this particular duo harmonize.

在我数年来的争吵、值得援助或是打架,让我洞察到二个方式。All my years of brawling , of pummeling both the unsuspecting and the deserving, have yielded two insights.

即将来临的总统选举运动中,什么应当裁减很可能会成为总统选举中吵吵闹闹的重点。The coming months of campaigning for the US presidency will be spent in petty brawling over what should be cut.