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但也是文明的粗俗化。It's still vulgarization of civilization.

,涂鸦,那些涂鸦是一种文明的,粗俗化,他们在公共场合涂鸦。The graffiti are a kind of vulgarization of civilization.

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中华文化体系正存在着低俗化现象。The vulgarization phenomena is existing in the body of Chinese culture.

电视剧低俗化是整个流通环节共同作用的结果。The vulgarization of TV drama is the combined effect of the entire circulation.

那么艺术的生产化,精神的表面化、庸俗化也将是不可避免的。So, it is unavoidable to appear the production of art, the vulgarization of spirit.

本文首先介绍了大众传媒低俗化的表现方式。This thesis firstly introduces the manifestations of vulgarization of the mass media.

这也许是美国著名艺术评论家所说的政治和商业化的媚俗吧。Maybe this is a famous art critic of the vulgarization of the political and commercial bar.

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在上述因素作用下,唐人馆驿诗走向俗化。The inn poems the in Tang Dynasty head for vulgarization with the joint efforts of the above factors.

对他们过于迷信将会导致文化的低俗化和话语的粗野化。Too superstitious to them what will bring about the low vulgarization of culture and speech is graceless change.

电视媒介迎合观众“窥视癖”的需求是电视文化庸俗化的重要原因之一。The catering of TV media to the voycurist needs of the audience is the impetus for the vulgarization of TV culture.

视觉文化促使大众审美情趣庸俗化和审美感觉钝化。The visual culture urges the public esthetic sentiment vulgarization and at the same time, makes their tastes deactivation.

正是由于玄学从上层社会的向下移动和庸俗化,才导致了这样的局面。It is precisely that the vulgarization and the downward movement of the upper class's mysticism was the reason of this situation.

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可以看出,“严肃不再”表征了现代性文化价值维度中庸俗化的袭来。It can be seen that, "no more seriousness" signs the attack of the vulgarization in the linked degree of the cultural value of modernity.

这个时代的功利性语境为大众期刊提供了肥沃的土壤,也为学术期刊的世俗化提供了契机。The utilitarianism of the time has nurtured popular journals, and has held out chances for the vulgarization of academic journals as well.

大学通过充分发挥适应过程中的主动选择性,可以排除一些可能影响到大学理想的庸俗事务,避免陷入对社会要求无休止的满足之中。If so, the university will be able to get away from the endless satisfaction to the demand of the society, which may cause its vulgarization.

在市场经济条件下,近年来中国电视的“低俗化”现象伴随其“商业化”趋势不断发展。Under market economy terms, the vulgarization of Chinese TV has been developing constantly following its commercialization during recent years.

目前,影视娱乐节目存在粗鄙化现象,在这个商业化时代里,影视作为大众传媒的社会功能被忽视了,媚俗倾向成为审美的基本取向之一。In a commercial age, movie and TV entertainments, as one form of mass media, its vulgarization has led to the gradual loss of its social function.

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同时,应建立公共交流信息平台,表达广大受众的意见,反映受众的舆论,以抗拒低俗化的侵害。Meanwhile, A public information exchange platform should be built up to express and reflect ideas of the public for better resistance of vulgarization.

近年来,电视娱乐节目内容的低俗化已成为国内社会关注的焦点。In recent years, the vulgarization of entertainment content in the television programs has become the focal point which evokes the focal point in the society.

图书馆是社会的文化事业,属于社会的精神文明建设系列,把图书馆直接等同于生产力在理论上是不正确的,只能导致生产力概念的泛化和庸俗化。The view of direct equalization between them isn't in line with the theory which may lead to the commonality and vulgarization of the productive forces concept.