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可分解最顽固的油垢。It will break down the toughest grease and grime.

舒缓温柔的洗去一天的污垢和化妆。A soothing, protective wash to ease away the day's grime and make-up.

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它的原色可能会由于尘垢甚至是盐分的积累而变模糊。Its true hues may become obscured by grime and even buildups of salt.

格里姆收割机工程快速放松和乳化油脂和污垢,便于清洗。Grime Reaper works fast to loosen and emulsify grease and grime for easy rinse.

洗手液是一种去污力强的液体,用于清洗手上的各种污渍、油腻。HAND CLEANER is hard working hand cleaner which will remove most dirt and grime.

几个月里,他的嘴唇不会再破裂,血迹、淤青、污垢也会消失。In a few months his lips won't crack, the blood and bruises and grime will be gone.

让冷水在淋在脸上会冲走一天的困顿和压力。Just letting the cool water hit your face washes off the grime and stresses of the day.

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将软布在茶水中沾一下,绞去多余的水份。然后,你就可以利用它去除灰尘和污垢了。Dip a soft cloth in the tea, wring out the excess, and use it to wipe away dirt and grime.

这些尘埃和气体很有可能是原始的尘垢和被黑洞吞掉很久了的星星的残留物的混合物。This stuff is probably a mixture of primordial grime and the remnants of long-eaten stars.

驾驶人也说,只有在车牌号码脏污到看不清楚的清况下,车主才算违法。Motorists also argue that Russian law is only broken if the number plates are obscured by grime.

走完步道,下课了。林克和我回到粪便现场。When the walk was over and the class dismissed, Rinker and I returned to the scene of the grime.

浓缩香米精华温柔剥离老化细胞,清除毛孔深处污垢。Concentrated fragrant rice exfoliates dead cell and grime from deep within the pores of the skin.

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这里的建筑都是仿造诺曼、哥特和希腊的建筑风格,大多老旧而布满层层尘垢。Structures were a pastiche of Norman, Gothic and Greek architecture, most old and layered with grime.

我再也不必在穷途末路上堕落了。我已能在拥挤的人行道上昂首阔步了。I no longer wallow in the grime and gutters, but I walk along crowded sidewalks with my head held high.

酒精是强力溶剂,对碟片上的指纹和灰尘有绝佳效果。Alcohol is a powerful solvent, perfectly capable of dissolving fingerprints and grime on the surface of a disc.

在光线的作用下,观众被孩子们快乐的脸部所吸引,而不会那么注意她们污浊的衣服。By letting the light draw attention to the their happy faces, we are less focused on the grime of their clothing.

“我们同样缺乏人手,”满身是污垢和汗水的唐奎说,“自从来到这里后我一秒也没能多睡。"We are also short of hands," said Tang, covered with grime and sweat. "I haven't had much sleep since we got here.

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一段时间之后,你的手机应该会覆上一层尘垢,然后女士们应该会开始在按键之间看见化妆品污渍。Your mobile phone can get caked with grime over time, and ladies might start noticing make-up smudges between the keys.

船壳和干舷上没有任何生锈或者脏污,甚至在那些最被风雨侵蚀的部分,也被刷上了鲜亮的油漆。The boat's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime , while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas.

澳门的市中心有一种魅力老中国的感觉,不带大陆城市的污垢和砂砾,但又不会太一尘不染。Downtown Macau has a lovely ye olde China vibe without the grit and the grime of Mainland China, yet without feeling sanitized.