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大家再猜猜。Somebody else.

倩碧还有什么好东西?What else is good?

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猜猜还有什么?And guess what else?

困惑,还有呢?Confused. What else?

好了,还有别的吗Good, anything else?

他还能做些什么呢?What else can he do?

我还能去别的什么地方吗?Where else can I go?

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所有其他的辩论都是它的脚注而已。All else is footnote.

还有什么,罗杰?Anything else? Roger?

我还能做些什么?What else could I do?

还有什么And now we--what else?

布丽特,好的,还有谁?Britt. Okay. Who else?

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您还有别的事情吗?Is there anying else ?

增加什么约束呢?有人知道吗?Somebody else -- yeah?

我还有什么可说的?What else could I say?

不正是笑和泪同出一处是什么?And how else can it be?

还有别的吗,卡洛琳。Anything else? Carolyn.

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还有什么?是的,先生。Anything else? Yes sir.

我另有所指。I meant something else.

我爸还说了些什么?What else did Papi say?