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由此可知,智能设计论与创造论并不相同。This theory is not the same as creationism.

近年来创世说也潜入了美国教室。Creationism has crept into US classrooms in recent years, too.

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她认为公立学校应该同时教授上帝创世说和进化论。She supports the teaching of creationism in public schools, alongside evolution.

九月份,他因为主张在科学课程中加入神创论内容而辞职。He resigned in September over his views on how to include creationism in science lessons.

Reiss主张,神创论应被视作一种世界观,而不应被作为一种误区加以纠正。Reiss argues that creationism should not be treated as a misconception but as a world view.

星期四,该报告发布,给创世论和其它反进化论观点以沉重一击。The report released Thursday also takes swipes at creationism and other anti-evolution views.

调查同时显示在伦敦相信神创论的比例相对较高。The survey reveals a relatively high proportion of people in London who believe in creationism.

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希金斯表示,作为与达尔文理论并列的一门学说,神创论已经被“彻底否定”。Higgins said creationism as an alternative to Darwin's theory had been "thoroughly discredited".

创造宇宙说的理念认为上帝创造了整个宇宙。The concept of creationism states that God made the Universe in the form in which it exists today.

据传闻说,有20多本含造物论和进化论的书即将上市。Rumor has it that more than 20 books on creationism and evolution are in the publisher's pipelines.

她是一名原教旨基督徒,主张在阿拉斯加的学校里同时教授造物论和进化论。She's a fundamentalist Christian. She advocated teaching creationism alongside evolution in Alaska's schools.

受此困扰的教师和其他人员逐渐发现,他们必须奋起捍卫进化论,驳斥神创论。Besieged teachers and others may increasingly find themselves on thespot to defend evolution and refute creationism.

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不过,在对科学专家的调查中,多数人支持他的主张,认为神创论应被放到科学课程中加以“讨论”。But a majority of science specialists polled endorsed his argument that creationism should be "discussed" in science lessons.

间隙创造学说,也称作归还创造说?认为生命在一个先前存在的旧地球上被立即创造了出来。Gap creationism , also called Restitution creationism ? the view that life was immediately created on a pre-existing old Earth.

她也的确遵守了她的竞选誓言——不以州长的身份在阿拉斯加的学校里强行推动造物论课程。Indeed, she kept a campaign pledge not to push as governor for mandatory inclusion of creationism in her state's school curriculum.

萨根则更关注那些相信鬼怪、上帝造物论和其他与科学世界观不同的人。Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.

关于进化论和创世论的辩论越来越需要有力的证据来支持,而基督徒们对此做出了回应。The debate over evolution and creationism has increasingly called for hard evidence and empirical proof. And Christians have responded.

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进化论与神创论是建立在两种不同,但是从某种意义上讲相似却又有很大不同的科学哲理上的。Evolutionism and creationism are based on two different philosophies of science which are similar in many ways, but also bear important differences.

通常,主流犹大人教派接受进化创造或有神论演化,除某些正统犹大人团体之外。In general, the major Jewish denominations accept evolutionary creationism or theistic evolution, with the exception of certain Orthodox Jewish groups.

实际上,所有科学家和大多数非原教旨主义宗教领袖们都已将科学创世纪论看作是拙劣的科学和拙劣的宗教。Virtually all scientists and the majority of non-fundamentalist religious leaders have come to regard scientific creationism as bad science and bad religion.