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以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical.

多棒的跑句啊,不过它像是对歌词的解读Wow. What a run, but it's all kind of text depiction here.

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阿尔达的“不当入侵”的描述是轻描淡写。ALDA's "improperly intrude" depiction is an understatement.

日常家居生活的写实画。A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.

不论土农工商以及江湖之客到来。Regardless of soil and the guest arrival depiction of river.

一种描绘自然风光的绘画艺术流派。A style of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery.

对旭日东升的描绘,来自于Nodjmet的纸莎草纸,约公元前1050年A depiction of the rising sun. Papyrus of Nodjmet, c. 1050 BC.

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那么,让我们来听下莫扎特,在这里对地狱和天堂的描述吧So let's listen to Mozart's depiction of hell and heaven here.

每种描述方法都有不同的强项和弱点。Each method of depiction has different strengths and weaknesses.

实际上,本片故事的戏剧性来自许多对中国历史的细节描写。Indeed, much of the drama comes from its subtle depiction of history.

标志符号是要在屏幕上绘制的字符的低级表示。Glyphs are a low-level depiction of a character to be drawn on-screen.

哈代对性吸引的直接描述也受到了公然抨击。They also denounced Hardy's forthright depiction of sexual attraction.

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本文先先叙述了今朝公司的基本情况。This article depiction rudimental circumstance of JINZHAO company first.

他对金融业失败的描述并不希奇,却相当到位。His depiction of finance's failures is not novel- however it is well done.

上面的视频是一位艺术家描绘的飞入该星系的画面。An artist's depiction of flying into this system is shown in the above video.

图6给出了一个基于SOA的HIN架构的图形化描述。Figure 6 gives a graphical depiction of the architecture of an SOA-based HIN.

他对现代肯尼亚那种破旧感的描绘,达到了完美。His depiction of modern Kenya, in all its scruffy sadness, was pitch-perfect.

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她们在女书的描写中,更多的表现的是一种女性之间的这种姐妹情谊。In the depiction of Nü Shu , it expressed mainly the friendship between women.

DTPA的应用增加了脑肿瘤的检出率及肿瘤显示的清晰度。Moreover, the use of Gd-DTPA improves the depiction and detection of brain tumors.

侏罗纪时代图片集。一群腕龙聚集在一个森林海岸在这方面艺术家的描述。A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist's depiction.