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让小宝宝学习自己喂东西吃。For lil ones learning to self-feed.

丽尔成为了梅.韦斯特所演的人物中的典型代表,这是一个在她自己的生活中经常扮演的角色。Lil became the most representative example of Mae West's characters.

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这个礼拜他一直在听新奥尔良的说唱歌手李尔·韦恩。This week Phelps has been listening to Lil Wayne, a rapper from New Orleans.

里尔套装玩具是三件套的厨具玩具,包括锅、量勺和带环的搅拌器。The Lil Chef Set is a three piece toy cook set including a pot, measuring spoons and a shaker on a ring.

酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each, while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece.

酷玩乐队和老鹰乐队各有四项提名在手,克里斯·布朗和里尔·韦恩也各获三项提名。Coldplay and the Eagles had four nominations each, while Chris Brown and Lil Wayne received three apiece.

丽乐没有回答,依然只是朝她傻傻的,羞怯的笑了笑,看起来她对这个问题根本就不在乎。But instead of answering, Lil only gave her silly, shamefaced smile. She didn't seem to mind the question at all.

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六连败的日子让我们很受伤,因为我们打不出自己应有的实力。好在现在我们重新回到正轨了。That six game losing streak hurt us a lil bit because we wasn't playing to our capabilities, but we got it back on track.

国家嘻哈政治大会主席特洛伊·恩克鲁玛表示,小韦恩在权力面前”说”出了真相,难能可贵。” Troy Nkrumah, the chairman of the National Hip-Hop Political Convention, thinks it wonderful that Lil Wayne is speaking truth to power.

采用全比例式油路系统,低噪音并具有自动调整压力大小比例之功能,精确稳定。A full-scale lil system is adopted. The noise is Iow and the pressure is adjusted automatically and proportionally. It is very accurate and stable.

它传播街头流行语,但收集的时很混乱,因为它总是用编码一样的语言给所有用户接近的意思,风格有点像小伟恩。It is a sprawling, chaotic collection of street talk, all of it user-submitted, giving everyone access to the meaning behind the coded lyrics of someone like Lil Wayne.