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她还有些不雅照在流传。Her indecent photos are going around.

法庭判决她猥亵罪。Court acquits her of indecent assault.

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苏珊被指控犯有猥亵露体罪。Susan was charged with indecent exposure.

任何粗鄙或有伤风化的广告,应该删去。Any indecent advertisements need to be censored.

黎明追着子夜来临了,似乎匆忙得乱了阵脚。Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

他们在葬礼上谈生意经,真不象话。It was indecent of them to talk business at the funeral.

你以为我们可以在这猥琐的世界上做正派人。You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world.

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穿低腰裤会被视为失礼、不像话。Low-slung pants can be seen as disrespectful or indecent.

在中国,端盘子一度被认为是不体面的工作。For a while waiting at table was thought of as an indecent job in china.

过去认为淑女跨骑马是件有失体统的事。In the past it was considered indecent for a lady to ride a horse astride.

他想结束让他感到丢人现眼的场面。He wanted to put an end to a spectacle that impressed him as being indecent.

然而,今年警方宣誓以不恰当暴露罪逮捕他们。However this year the police have vowed to arrest them for indecent exposure.

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他们的错误在于把把卑鄙的提议以书面的形式写在电子邮件的宣传册的里。Their error was to put their indecent proposal in writing, in ane-mail pitch.

大家的脸上几乎同样地流露出对这个妇人怀有淫猥念头的笑容。Every face wore almost the same smile, reflecting indecent ideas about the women.

我很高兴来这里见到你们这些卑鄙、下流、无耻的小德国佬们。I'm very glad to come here to see you mean, indecent and outrageous small Krauts.

或者在你无理地匆忙离开时可能丢弃的一些未尝付的债务?Or a few outstanding debts you chanced to mislay in your indecent haste to depart ?

在马里兰州的安那波里斯海军学校也有11例对猥亵行为的控告。And the Navy Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, had 11 accusations of indecent assault.

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显然,女子抗议,并报告了乘务员的猥亵行为。Of course, the woman protests and report these indecent acts to the flight attendant.

1993年北卡罗莱纳州修改了“有伤风化的暴露法案”,将妇女当众晡乳排除在外。In 1993, North Carolina amended its indecent exposure law to exclude breastfeeding women.

有违反相关法令或劳动契约之伤风败俗行为者。Making indecent behavior inside the company. Thus, violating the law or Employment Contract.