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见于神经质儿童、癫痫和神经官能症。See at jumpy children, epilepsy and neurosis.

如果时间太长,顾客会不耐烦的。The customers get jumpy if takes much longer.

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但是即使那样也使感觉不安全的巴基斯坦人心惊肉跳。But even that makes insecure Pakistanis jumpy.

这个神经质的母亲老是对孩子发脾气。The jumpy mother is always cross with her children.

而户外跳动的阳光则告诉你,夏季来了。And outdoors and jumpy sunshine tells you, the summer came.

不过这类新闻只是让交易商神经紧张。This is just the sort of news that makes oil traders jumpy.

我知道就要发生什么事,我心惊肉跳得厉害。I knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.

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若砂轮机跳动明显,应及时停机修整。If grinder is jumpy apparent, answer to stop machine nap in time.

她在应征面谈的时候心惊肉跳,因为她太紧张了。She was jumpy during her job interview because she was so nervous.

又一次骤起的爆破声开始了一系列反复无常的跳跃断奏。One more subito blast initiates a series of jumpy staccato crotchets.

在接下来那天当中,警察或者救护车的鸣笛总是会让我神经兮兮。During the day, the sound of police or ambulance sirens made me jumpy.

这老太太知道要出事了,于是吓得心惊肉跳。The old lady knew that something was going to happen, and she was very jumpy.

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一小时后,我已经紧张的心惊肉跳。我没有把我的脚打爆,还真是奇迹。After an hour, I was so jumpy that it was a miracle I hadn't blown my foot off.

特雷夫总是神经兮兮的,总感觉迟早要被什么绊倒。E. g. Trevor is always quite jumpy , who thinks he will be tripped over in somewhere.

经营爵士乐酒吧的同时还要写作,这有点难,能写作的知识一些零碎时间,而且容易被打断。Writing while running a jazz bar proved difficult, however, and it is a fragmented, jumpy read.

这些幼虫弹动着他们的住宅想要逃出。它们不仅能感受到热量,光也能促动它们跳跃。The caterpillars flip their home to escape. They not only feel the heat, light makes them jumpy.

橙色能给淡雅居室点燃激情,如同素色的空间里跳动的火焰。Orange can ignite passion to quietly elegant bedroom, as the jumpy blaze in plain coloured space.

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问题是,这么做能否足够防止越南经济过热,并且让忐忑不安的投资者放心。The question is whether this will be enough to keep the economy from overheating and to reassure jumpy investors.

结果本组25例,得到安全有效的救治,无一例发生并发症,无发生因术后躁动所造成的危害。Result 25 cases could gain safe, effective cure, had no any complication, and no any harm from post-operation jumpy.

荷叶花边缘镶上白边,与黑色形成一种对比,一种跳跃感觉。,犹如琴键上跳动音符。Lotus leaf edges with white flowers, and black form a contrast, have a kind of bouncing feeling. Like on those keys jumpy note.