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他在会议上抨击了对手。He tilted his adversary at the meeting.

尘埃是磁盘的最大敌人。Dust is a deejay's affliction adversary.

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格朗泰尔正在和他的一个对手你一言我一语。It was Grantaire holding a dialogue with an adversary.

彼得第一次在统帅力上超越了他的对手。For the first time Peter begain to out-general his adversary

以斯帖说,仇人敌人就是这恶人哈曼。And Esther said, The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman.

其目的是给对手以彻底的毁灭性打击。The object is to inflict out-and-out damage on your adversary.

为对抗制的普遍现象的原因是多方面的。The reasons for the prence of the adversary system are manifold.

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但是揆一的同胞却不像他的对手那样仁慈。But Coyett's own countrymen were not as merciful as his adversary.

现在,彼得第一次在统帅能力上超越了他的对手。Now, for the first time, Peter began to out-general his adversary.

这并不矛盾,中国不需要成为我们将来的对手。This is not a paradox, since China need not be our future adversary.

尽量快地同把你告上法庭的对手解决你们之间的问题。Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.

我们的足球队今晚要和我们长期以来的死对头决一胜负。Our football team will compete against our long-time adversary tonight.

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十年的开发使得Winamp成为iTunes强有力的对手Ten years of development has made Winamp an impressive iTunes adversary.

六七分钟后,20到25个敌人滑雪进入了我们的伏击圈。In 6-7 minutes, the adversary numbering 20-25 men, skied into our ambush.

那么,有时候公诉人、法官大人、还有我,我们三个有共同的敌人。Well. Sometimes the P.A. and the judge and I all have the same adversary.

这支足球队一遇强劲对手就立即溃乱不堪了。The football team was defeated and left in disarray by a strong adversary.

他向我解释说,事实并非如此,在没有对手时,练习就是一系列的动作,这时练习者的身体和精神弱点就成了自己的对手。The practitioner's own physical and mental weaknesses become his adversary.

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双方摔跤运动员都使出了全身气力想把对手摔倒。Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.

但这个庞大和多元化的国家,已经远非一个对手那么简单。But this vast and diverse country is already much more than a simple adversary.

而应运而来的是产生了非原创综合病症的克星。And with this creeping comes a new adversary for the not-invented-here syndrome.