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奥图还有一辆车。Otto even has a car.

为何保加利亚玫瑰油这么贵?Why is Bulgarian Rose Otto so expensive?

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随后,米兰达·奥图就来为这个角色试镜。Miranda Otto then auditioned for the same role.

为何保加利亚玫瑰油经常凝固?Why does Bulgarian Rose Otto solidify at times?

在19,奥托停止他的迷幻剂的探索。At nineteen, Otto discontinued his exploration of LSD.

她解释说她是为了要拿些水给奥图喝。She explained that she was fetching some water for Otto.

可否直接将玫瑰油涂到皮肤上?Should I apply Bulgarian Rose Otto directly onto my skin?

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为何保玫瑰油香气会变化?。Why does the fragrance of the Bulgarian Rose Otto change?

SG的发动机火花点火稀薄燃烧奥托循环燃气发动机。The SG engines are spark-ignited lean-burn otto cycle gas engines.

汽车发动机除了四冲程循环是否还有其他循环?Are there any other cycles besides the Otto cycle used in car engines?

我喜欢怀念伟大的瑞典老海洋学家,奥图?贝得森。I like to remember the wonderful old Swedish oceanographer, Otto Petterson.

奥图玫瑰精油、芦荟、洋甘菊、薰衣草、人参萃取精华、紫草萃取精华。Rose Otto Oil, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Lavender, Ginseng and Comfrey extracts.

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这项研究是在奥地利的奥托·瓦格纳医院和廉兹医院进行的。The study was conducted at Otto Wagner Hospital and Lainz Hospital in Austria.

但是温格觉得这也许对奥托大帝的球队在南非世界杯上是利好。But Wenger feels that could serve to help Otto Rehhagel's team in South Africa.

陆军司令部的威廉·冯·门杰斯提交一份入侵的计划草案。Captain Otto Wilhelm von Menges in OKH submitted a draft plan for the invasion.

逻辑课老师是奥托。亨茨,一位尚未被委任为牧师的耶稣会教士。I took logic from Otto Hentz, a Jesuit who had not yet been ordained as a priest.

以实际气体代替标态空气作为奥托循环的工质,得到改进的理论循环。Air Otto cycle is improved with the application of real gas instead of ambient air.

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这是1893年的一张照片,奥特·李林塔尔乘着他的载人飞行器翱翔在人群上空。Otto Lilienthal soars above a crowd in one of his manned gliders in an 1893 photograph.

“帝国”师的海因茨拉梅尔丁和著名的奥托斯科尔泽就在其列。Das Reich 's Heinz Lammerding and the flamboyant Otto Skorzeny were among the lucky few.

至于奥托是否在大部分时间里把这本笔记本丢在一边不管,则关系不大。It doesn’t make any difference that Otto keeps his notebook tucked away much of the time.