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一个短耳猫头鹰迎风飞在卡克托维克的风力发电机组上方。A short eared owl flies infront of Kaktovik's wind turbine.

还有著杰寺的很美的藏马鸡。More of the beautiful white eared pheasants of Zhujie Temple.

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我不要买这本书,因为很多页角都捲起来了。I don't want to buy this book. Many of the pages are dog- eared.

这架载有102人的飞机上星期在暴风雨中失踪。The plane disa eared in stormy weather last week with 102 aboard.

科文顿说,特蕾兹注意到了婴儿额头上有用化妆品涂抹的印记。Torrez noticed what a eared to be makeup on the baby's forehead, Corvington said.

它们巨大的耳朵使它们的听力比耳朵较小的蝙蝠要好。Their enormous ears gives them even better hearing than that of smaller eared bats.

我把书借给你时还平整完好,现在书页都折角了!When I lend you my book, it was in perfect condition. Now the pages are all dog- eared !

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图片画廊。海狗属于有耳的海豹种类和有极好的听力和锐利的视力。Fur seals belong to the class known as eared seals and have excellent hearing and sharp eyesight.

在中国国内,对待国内的事务,领导人们不像在处理国外事务那样无动于衷。Inside the country, China's national leadership rarely seems as tin- eared as it is when dealing with the outside world.

终有一天,我们会站神圣的讲台,告诉所有倾听的人群,复活是一件多么美好的事情!One day there will be, when we stand on the holy rostrum, telling the open- eared crowd what a beautiful thing revival is.

菲德尔。卡斯特罗8月底满80岁。最近几年,他的身体看来越来越虚弱。有传闻说,他患有帕金森氏综合症。Fidel Castro tur 80 later this month. He has a eared increasingly frail in recent years and is rumored to have Parki on's disease.

拍摄下的视频和项目现场调查研究将帮助科学家为长耳跳鼠设计出保护方案。Results from video footage and the program's field research will help scientists design a conservation plan for the long- eared jerboa.

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在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。When she died as a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books.

食羽症褐马鸡全羽胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、赖氨酸和精氨酸含量显著低于健康褐马鸡。The contents of cystine, methionine, lysine and arginine of the whole feather in the sick brown eared pheasant were significantly lower than that in the health.

他推测,牠们上岸繁殖或晒太阳时,也许会蜷著身子,将头埋在后肢间,有点像现代的海狮。When it went ashore to breed or perhaps to bask in the sun, he proposes, Rodhocetus probably hitched itself around somewhat like a modern eared seal or sea lion.

在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。When she died as a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books.

在开采初期,由于铁矿的数量较少,对褐马鸡种群活动综合影响并不显著,其种群密度并未发生明显变化。At the beginning of exploitation, because there were few iron mines, the effects on activities of brown eared pheasants were not great and population density did not change markedly.

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研究结果表明,栖息地结构连接性、微生境结构特征的差异以及人为干扰是褐马鸡种群密度和集群行为差异的主要影响因素。The results suggest that habitat connection, microhabitat structure and human disturbance are the key factors influencing local population density and flock size of the brown eared pheasant.

应用逆向重构技术,对长耳鸮翼前缘非光滑形态特征几何信息进行量化,并建立仿生类比模型。Applying the reverse reconstruction technique to quantify the geometry information about the nonsmooth leading edge shape of the long eared owl wing, a bionic analogy air foil model was built.

分离者的个体警惕水平随着临时群体大小的增加而下降,遵从在其它自然大小鸟类群体所发现的一般性规律。Simil ar to a widely reported relationship in natural size flocks of many species of birds, vigilance levels of the free individual eared pheasants declined as the extra-range flock size increased.