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如欲招租,请与我们联系。Please contact us for leasing opportunities.

群租是一个严重的社会问题。Group-oriented leasing is a serious social matter.

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到了1985年,一套租用制度建立起来了。However, in 1985, a leasing system was introduced.

如果你们有意做租赁贸易,请吿诉我们。if you're interested in leasing trade, please let us know.

占线优惠卡问题是租赁问题的推广。The issue of Bahncard is the promotion of the leasing problem.

顾名思义,它的工作就是为出租人和承租人牵线搭桥。Obviously, it organizes leasing packages for lessors and lessees.

和租赁有关的金融文献中充满了争议。Controvercies abound in the finance literature concerning leasing.

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请寄来贵公司的商品目录并将租赁条件函告。Please send me your catalogue and terms and conditions for leasing.

本协议书一式两份,承租方、租赁方各持一份。This Agreement in duplicate, the lessee, leasing one for each side.

不过恐怕不容易,因为业主所提出的租凭条件已非常合理。But I'm afraid it is not easy as the leasing terms are very reasonable.

第七条乙方应以善良管理人的注意保管租赁物,并应以租赁物的性质而使用。Party B should take good care of the leasing boat and use it as leased.

租赁展厅和购买展厅产权的区别是什么?What is the difference in leasing and equity purchase of CMLA Showrooms?

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很多次,相当一部分您的租赁费,可以注销。Many times a substantial portion of your leasing costs can be written off.

而且,租赁公司有三分之一的资金是在美国花费的。Moreover, leasing comprises one-third of all capital spending in the U. S.

对商业租赁及管理业务,迈克尔也有了新思路。And Michael has new ideas for commercial leasing and management businesses.

租赁古交钢铁厂,安置下岗职工500多人。Leasing Gujiao steel plants, the placement of laid-off employees 500 people.

今年她额外租赁了1公顷的土地——都是因为p4p。This year she is leasing an additional hectare of land – all because of P4P.

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这里的租赁活动大大减少,而转租市场的增长。Leasing activity here has greatly diminished while the sublease market has grown.

希望我的回帖能对你有帮助。如果你对“租赁”感兴趣,请跟我联系。Hope this reply helps. If you are interested in "leasing" services, do contact me.

公司经营船舶租赁业务,依托行业内的优势。Depending on inter-industry advantages, our company provides ship leasing services.