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被泄露的外置轨迹板。The leaked external trackpad.

外在是指信息。External refers to information.

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断开外部连接。Disconnect external connections.

外部燃料箱和调压器远去!External Tank and Boosters Away!

此药是外用药。The medicine is for external use.

这个切换没有外部影响。This switch has no external impact.

如何构筑“从外向内看”的视角How to Build an External Perspective

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这种洗剂只可外用。This lotion is for external use only.

富有是哟中外在的特征。Being rich is a very external quality.

将加过温的药液滴入外耳道。Drop warm ear drops in external canal.

生藤黄只能作外用。Health Garcinia for external use only.

在某种程度上,它变成了外部事件。It becomes,in part,an external affair.

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而意象则是一个较为简单的刺激方法。An easier external stimulus is imagery.

我们决不向外界压力屈服。We'll never yield to external pressure.

外审员有巨大的影响力。External auditors wield great influence.

简化了外部验证。Simplifications for external validation.

外部存储和应用自动更新External Memory and Auo-Updating for Apps

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此油只供外部涂用。The oil is for external application only.

内在因素和外在因素。internal factors versus external factors.

这是p2,这是。p3 So here is p2, p external. Here is p3.