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我受够了你这种“垂怜“的口气!I'm over your patronizing tone.

我就是典型的狮子座,忠诚却又自负。I’m a typical Leo. I’m faithful but patronizing.

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叶利钦很客气,很友好,稍微有点屈尊俯就的架势。Yeltsin was polite and friendly, but slightly patronizing.

忽然间浮现在脑海里的任何答案,不论是否有充分依据,听起来都是像在以恩人自居。Suddenly any answer that came to mind, valid or not, sounded patronizing.

布兰克芬给了主席一个高盛负责的资助帐目.Blankfein treated the chairman to a patronizing account of Goldman's function.

不久以后马丁就停止上日本料理了。The time was not long when Martin ceased patronizing the Japanese restaurants.

但是,现在它拥有了客户,也许从来都不想光顾它的客户。But it now has customers who might never have thought of patronizing the business.

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多次“光顾”派出所,曾因吸毒取保,性格孤僻,这又是他的B面。Many times, "patronizing" police station, but had drug bail, withdrawn, this is his B-side.

任何他们发来询问状况要你领情的Email统统不要看,并标为“垃圾邮件”。Any patronizing emails they send inquiring to your well-being will be left unread and marked as SPAM.

尽量避免屈尊俯就或防御性的动作,如抱臂或紧闭牙关。Try to avoid gestures that are patronizing or defensive, like crossing your arms or clenching your jaw.

如果一个公司是可信任的,那么人们会相信这个公司的产品。When a company is a trusted company then people have no problem patronizing the products of the company.

找出自己究竟是什么地方冒犯了对方,不要盲目地道歉或者去以恩人的姿态自居。Find out what the offense was before apologizing, or risk making things worse by coming off as patronizing.

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没有一个怀疑读者智商、态度高人一等的人能够写得像样。No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing.

避免任何批评或抨击的痕迹,不要使用傲慢或有优越感的措辞。Avoid any signs of criticisms or attack, and refrain from using language that is patronizing or condescending.

当我看到这种景象时,我感到很不舒服、很难堪,并且说实话,这种现象还没能引起那些我光顾的那些业务公司的关注。When I see this I feel uncomfortable, awkward, and frankly not that impressed with the business I’m patronizing.

她还建议尽量多光顾允许带狗入内的商家,像带有露天茶座和宠物商店的咖啡店之类。She also suggests patronizing as many dog-friendly merchants as possible, like coffee shops with outdoor cafes and pet shops.

甚至最终和你结婚的那个人,那个人对你总是做出一副高高在上的样子,好像你只是一个穿着高级时装的伴游女郎。Or even that guy you finally married, who was always patronizing you like you were just a piece of arm candy in a Tuleh dress.

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“请进来先生,”法官象赐恩似地摆一摆手说,“请告诉我是什么原因使我能有幸看到你的来访。”"Come nearer, " said the magistrate, with a patronizing wave of the hand, "and tell me to what circumstance I owe the honor of this visit.

“请进来先生,”法官象赐恩似地摆一摆手说,“请告诉我是什么原因使我能有幸看到你的来访。”"Come nearer," said the magistrate, with a patronizing wave of the hand, "and tell me to what circumstance I owe the honor of this visit."

汉学这个名称完全表示欧美学者对那些已经沉沦的古老国家的文化的一种轻看的态度。" The term " Sinology " epitomizes European and American scholars' patronizing attitude towards the culture of those ruined ancient empires.