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雄鱼雄性个体,尤其指雄性的鲟鱼。Male sturgeon or male fish generally.

渔民每年错误地捕捞大概3000头中华鲟。Fishermen catchas many as 3, 000 sturgeon by mistake every year.

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而宣称是“鲟鱼鱼子酱”的鱼卵其实来自廉价的密西西比白鲟。And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs.

在北美八月满月常被称为鲟鱼之月。The August full moon is often called the Sturgeon Moon in North America.

中华鲟在长江常熟段繁殖。The giant Chinese river sturgeon breeds at Changshu, on theYangtze River.

在这些水域的鲟鱼游泳物种的一个特别是白化。One particular species of sturgeon swimming in these waters is the albino.

但珍妮特•斯特金认为,如果只是归咎于农户并不能解决问题。But blaming small-hold farmers will not resolve the issue, writes Janet C Sturgeon.

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鲟鱼是江海回游性地鱼类,体长约两米,最年夜可长5米以上。Jianghai migratory sturgeon fish, two meters in length, the maximum length of 5 meters.

俄国鲟是一种大型多骨鱼,体长可以达到6英尺以上。The Russian sturgeon is a large, bony fish that can reach a length of more than 6 feet.

鱼子酱是珍羞美味,是用盐腌过的未受精的鲟鱼卵加工制成。Caviar is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed, salted, non-fertilized sturgeon roe.

我国珍稀动物中华鲟、东北鲟、长江鲟即是这类鱼。Sturgeon rare animals in China, Northeast sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon that is of such fish.

而大海则源源不绝地为新西兰送来鲜美的扇贝、笛鲷、鲔鱼以及其它味道鲜美的鱼类。And the sea send to New Zealand ceaseless scallop, porgy , sturgeon and other delicious fish.

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代物第说,在湖鲟体内发现大约有15个基因是来自血吸虫——一种寄生虫。DeWoody said about 15 genes found in the lake sturgeon came from Schistosoma, a parasitic worm.

“人类对鲟鱼的种群数量的影响可以是迅速而轻易的,”黑尔说。"Humans can have an effect very quickly and very easily on the sturgeon population, " Hale said.

葛洲坝枢纽建成后,长江鲟鱼类资源显著衰退。After the construction of Gezhouba Dam, sturgeon resources in Yangtze River have declined notably.

了解一种病原体或人类是如何影响鲟鱼的,对于保护它们是至关重要的。Understanding how a pathogen or humans are affecting the sturgeon could be key to conserving them.

“如果它对湖鲟的影响如其对人体的影响一样,那就情况不妙,”他说。"If it has the same effect in lake sturgeon as it does in humans, that wouldn't be good, " he said.

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中华鲟是淡水鱼类中最大的鱼,生理结构特殊。The Chinese sturgeon is the biggest fresh water fish. The texture construction of it is very special.

中华鲟是典型的海河洄游性鱼类,其生活习性独特。The Chinese sturgeon is a typical migration fish between the river and the sea with a special behavior.

斯特拉司图尔金拯救了苏格兰的钢铁行业。托利党不关心英格兰的钢铁行业。Nicola Sturgeon saved the Scottish steel industry. The Tories don't care about the english steel industry.