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它们是德国或者比利时的。They'll be German or Belgium.

我在比利时住过三年。I lived in Belgium for 3 years.

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在北方,比利时已经被攻陷。To the north, Belgium had fallen.

谢在中国与比利时比赛时早早的离了场。Xie left the Belgium match early.

在码头,MOL,比利时的日落。Sunset at the jetty, Mol, Belgium.

比利时的山姆•德尔图尔和他的雪橇队Sam Deltour of Belgium and his team.

并在一八三一年最终失去比利时They eventually lose Belgium in 1831.

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而同样一包烟在比利时售价1.97英镑。An identical pack costs £1.97 in Belgium.

比利时面积有一万一千七百七十八平方英里。Belgium has an area of 11,778 square miles.

比利时宣告成立独立王国。Belgium was proclaimed an independent kingdom.

利奥波德二世国王,比利时从1865年至1909年。Leopold II was King of Belgium from 1865-1909.

但是现在,只有法国和比利时。But at the moment, it's just France and Belgium.

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比利时给予政治难民避难权。Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.

再如克罗南堡,我想,是比利时或者法国的。Kronenbourg again, I think, is Belgium or French.

有人说德军正在掠夺比利时。Some said German occupiers were pillaging Belgium.

这超过了比利时和瑞典两国的国民收入。That is greater than the GDP of Belgium and Sweden.

从任何角度来讲,比利时都还未摆脱困境。In any case Belgium is by no means out of the woods.

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夸拉学院的学生不久就要去参加比利时的测试赛了。Kwara students are soon to play in trials in Belgium.

一九九二年成为欧洲联盟亚太区会长。President of Asian Region of European Union , Belgium.

其它出口国家包括英国、日本、美国和比利时。Other buyers include the UK, Japan, the US and Belgium.