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除了做课堂功课之外,我还打了两份工。In addition to my classwork I had two jobs.

我做学校功课是因为它有趣。I work on my classwork because it's interesting.

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开学第一天会有随堂作业和课外作业吗?Will there be classwork and homework on the first day?

另一次睡眠和醒来邓希及早做功课。Others sleep first and wake up excruciatingly early to do classwork.

一般来说,女生比男生功课好。Generally speaking, girls have better performance than boys in classwork.

教师们报告的课业成绩也是已经掉掉游戏软件的孩子多。Teachers reported more classwork concerns with the boys who had gotten games.

这种教育质量低下,就是他们要求参加课程来获得学位。The education is poor quality, if they even require any classwork class work to get a degree.

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这种教学的质量低下,即使他们只要求参加课程来获得学位。The education is poor clody quality, if they even require any classwork class work to get out a degree.

您可以使用俄罗斯完成自学课程,以自己的速度学习,或作为您的课业补充。You can use Teach Yourself Russian Complete Course to learn at your own pace or as a supplement to your classwork.

当老师们在三楼开会的时候,同学们在一楼做作业。While the teachers are having a meeting on the third floor, the pupils are doing their classwork on the first floor.

现代教育课程仍然停留在过去的模式,认为你只要把尽可能多的信息装到脑子里,你就获得了优势。Modern classwork is still thinking that it is the volume of information you put in your head that will give you an advantage.

在课业上,遇到紧迫的考试、艰难的课业报告也让我印象深刻,但种种的过去,在我现在看来,都是好的。In the classwork , experience the urgent examination, difficult classwork report is also impressive, but all over the past, i now see it, are all good.

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同时,Austin的八年级学生们的作文中还出现了“b4”,“ur”“2”和“wata”,这些词汇令大人们不解,却是十几岁年轻人日常生活的一部分。But an increasing number of Austin's eighth-graders also submit classwork containing "b4, " "ur, " "2" and "wata" — words that may confuse adults but are part of the teens' everyday lives.