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可以给我一把小匙吗?。May I have a spoon?

让我看看你的勺子。Show me your spoon.

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这个调羹是谁的?Whose spoon is this?

喝汤是用汤勺。Soup is drunk with a spoon.

银匙失去光泽了。The silver spoon tarnished.

别试著折弯汤匙。Do not try and bend the spoon.

我用大勺子喝汤。I eat soup with a large spoon.

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金属匙链拉钉。Metal spoon chain puller bolt.

孩子是否有任何匙子?Do the children have any spoon?

用汤匙舀冰激凌。Scoop out ice-cream with spoon.

把勺子从咖啡杯里拿出来。Take the spoon out of your cup.

她用汤匙喂婴儿。She feeds the baby with a spoon.

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她用小勺儿喂孩子。She feeds the baby with a spoon.

用这只勺子盛肉汁。Use this spoon to help the gravy.

碗里有一只小勺子吗?。Is there a small spoon in the bowl?

当勺子接近时能张开嘴等候食品。Opens mouth and leans toward spoon.

她舔净了汤匙上的蜜。She licked the honey off the spoon.

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哇!你就用手来倒啊,不用勺子么?Wow! You pour it freehand?No spoon?

你要张纸巾吗?还是要个勺子?Can we get Vol a tissue? Or a spoon?

她用汤匙搅咖啡。She stirred her coffee with a spoon.