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他们分享了我们的胜利。They partook our triumph.

他们分享我们的胜利。They partook of our triumph.

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她的回答有些粗鲁。Her reply partook of rudeness.

他们一起吃了一顿饭。They partook of a simple meal.

她的态度有点冷淡。Her manner partook of an aloofness.

所有孩子都参与了游戏。All the children partook in the game.

所有孩子都参加了游戏。All the children partook in the game.

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我参与体力工作以保持我身体健康、思维活跃。I partook of physical work which kept my body fit and mind active.

告诉你的朋友你品尝过上海最顶级的美食。Tell your friends you partook of Shanghai's greatest culinary joy.

这就是亚当和夏娃了解的有关善与恶的知识。This is the knowledge of good and evil of which Adam and Eve partook.

如果想得到生命,他们在吃饼的时候他们一定要有耶稣住在他们里面。As they partook of bread so they must partake of him if we are to have life.

1126年高丽进入以金朝为中心的天朝体系里。In 1126, Koreans partook the Imperial System with the Jin Dynasty at its center.

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可是她已经沾染了几分包围着她的那种到处蔓延的懒散精神。But she already partook of the pervading spirit of neglect which encompassed her.

迈克斯先生恰当的介绍了那些常见社交规则中的随心所欲以及荒谬可笑。Mikes rightly saw that most social codes partook of the arbitrary and the absurd.

这些时候,她都允许我坐在餐桌上。She allowed me to sit on top of her kitchen table as I partook of those privileges.

人住的房屋好象会因人而短寿,上帝住的房屋也会因上帝而永存似的。It seems as though man's lodging partook of his ephemeral character, and God's house of his eternity.

在宇宙历史的早期,其中的三维参与了宇宙膨胀,而变成了我们今天看到的三个空间维度。Early in cosmic history, three of them partook in the cosmic expansion and became the three dimensions we now observe.

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在路加福音的记载当中,耶稣经常参加宴会和晚餐,在正直的人家里也在罪人的家里。The Gospel of Luke has Jesus often partook in many banquets and dinners, both at righteous people but also at sinner's homes.

他指出,尽管多数人尽享去年金融危机来临前的经济繁荣时,那些受危机影响最严重的人们甚至从来没有享受过好日子。And while many enjoyed a boom before financial markets crashed last year, the people hit hardest by the crash never even partook of the good times.

在黑话的王国里,思想所采取的各种不同形式,即使是歌曲、嘲笑或恐吓,也全有那种无可奈何和压抑的特征。The diverse forms assumed by thought in the realm of slang, even song, even raillery , even menace, all partook of this powerless and dejected character.