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计划性差。Planning poorly.

这种鱼经不起运输。This fish travels poorly.

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那个密封不严的罐头胀裂了。The poorly sealed can blew.

这部影片的配音太差了。The movie was poorly dubbed.

磨损的活字印得不清楚。Badly worn type prints poorly.

书籍编辑质量差劣很常见。Books are often poorly edited.

这所学校设备简陋。The school is poorly equipped.

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这个房子的通风不好。This house is poorly ventilated.

这支部队装备很差。The army is very poorly equipped.

那么我就可以将两个列表进行合并了?I said it poorly. What's the point?

那孩子整个星期都病病歪歪的。The child has been poorly all week.

他的诗做得不如你的好。His poem compares poorly with yours.

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发酵不好的青贮料其味道腐臭。Poorly fermented silage smells rancid.

韩佳,这条路是怎么修的。Han Jia, how poorly this road was built!

他来自库马西,同样缺乏教育。Poorly educated, he, too, is from Kumasi.

清华在这方面的排名都较差。They ranked Tsinghua poorly in this area.

去年,中国股市环境恶劣。Last year Chinese stocks performed poorly.

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病人仅能勉强坐起来。The patient was but poorly able to sit up.

他递给Sara一个制作粗糙的烟灰缸。He then hands her a poorly crafted ashtray.

在那四分之一亩的地方,树木既种得那样少。This quarter of an acre, so poorly planted.