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快起床,你这懒骨头!Get up, you lazybones.

这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的懒虫。The boy is lazybones through and through.

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懒汉总叫人看不起。The lazybones are always held in contempt.

然而中国从此成为一个懒人国了。China will hence be a nation of lazybones !

一天一点点时间,懒虫远离我。A little time a day can make lazybones away.

懒惰的人永远也不会懂得生活的乐趣和欢乐。The joy of life would not come to lazybones.

他是个懒骨头,一点雄心壮志打死都没有。He is a lazybones with no ambition whatsoever.

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然而中国从此就成了一个懒人国了。But lo, China will hence be a nation of lazybones.

懒汉总是找借口逃避工作。The lazybones always alibied themselves out of work.

这些懒汉必须从不愿工作的惰性中解脱出来。The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work.

二流子习气他们批评那个懒汉强调自己的小病而不肯干活。They criticized the lazybones for playing up his slight illness.

我怀念在他慵懒的外表之下,引人入胜的比赛。I'll miss his hugely aspiring game. cloaked in that lazybones demeanor.

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昨天她说她哥是个懒骨头时,我偷偷地笑了。I laughed up my sleeve yesterday when she said that her brother was a lazybones.

只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

像他这种懒人今早会很早起床?你这不简直是在开国际玩笑吗?Such a lazybones like him was up with the lark this morn? Are you blowing that for a lark?

我的名字是叫小懒虫,在淮北的生活非常愉快,我是论坛这个大家庭的成员。My name is called the young lazybones , comes to Huaibei to live very happily in forum this big family.

太阳公公一起床,学生们就乖乖地背著书包上学去。鹿谷乡想找个偷懒的人,还真不容易。UP and running with the sun, a group of students heads for school. It's hard to find a lazybones in Luku.

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所以如果你们之中哪一个懒骨头,需要在早晨靠电话呼叫才真正起得了床的话,这种闹钟可能正是你所需要的。So if any of you lazybones need a morning call that really gets you out of bed, this clock might be just the thing for you.

无数无数的人都学他的榜样。于是人人都成了一个差不多先生。——然而中国从此就成为一个懒人国了。Countless people followed behind him. Therefore, everyone becomes Mr. Chabuduo. While since, then, China has become a country of lazybones.