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你永远是大联盟在我的眼睛。You're always a major leaguer in my eyes.

本公司拥有强大的研发队伍。TH Leaguer has very strong Research and Development team.

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好好抚养我们未来的大人物。Take good care of that future major leaguer or president.

盟员企业的评价与选择是构建虚拟企业并使其成功运行的前提。Evaluation and selection of leaguer enterprises are the preconditions of virtual enterprises' operation.

虚拟企业作为一种动态的企业联盟,其成员企业由原来的单打独斗变为并肩作战。As a kind of dynamic union, the leaguer enterprises of virtual enterprise change to fight shoulder to shoulder from single fight.

委员会首席共和党人理查德•卢格大赞希拉里资历深厚,称其“佼佼者中的佼佼者”。The top Republican on the committee, Richard Lugar, praised Clinton's qualifications, calling her "the epitome of a big leaguer".

WTO给我国政府提出了透明度要求,要求政府推行政务信息公开,建立、健全相关法律规章。The Principle of Transparency requires leaguer to practice governmental affairs information open and establish the relevant laws and regulations.

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利益分配是影响动态联盟稳定运行的关键因素之一,是联盟各方绩效得以发挥的重要保证。Profit distribution is one of the important aspects which grant stable run of the dynamic alliance and it ensures every leaguer enterprises to act voluntarily.

在西班牙,皇家马德里周末被毕尔巴鄂击败后正急忙摆脱第一集团其他对手的围追堵截。In Spain, Real Madrid's gallop away from the chasing pack at the top of the premier leaguer has been reigned in following their defeat at Athletic Bilbao at the weekend.

他正在竭尽余力与癌症拼斗,他表现得那么勇敢无畏,坚韧不拔,如同他当年参加美国职业棒球大联盟比赛时一样。It is horrible to see this once strong, virile man reduced to this condition, and like the brave, tough Major Leaguer he is, try to fight it with all the strength left in him.

引进力合数字电视多媒体互动平台鸿波酒店可以让客人充分感受到先进的信息化、数字化、智能化设施带来的种种方便和乐趣。After installation of Leaguer digital hotel multi-media interactive platform system, the customers will enjoy the pleasure of information, digitalization and intelligentization in the hotel.

文化建设小组刘庆勇、宣传策划小组杨铃铃、会员管理小组李敬慧、技术兴趣小组李若寒等纷纷登上讲台给会员献上精彩的演讲。Culture-constructing group liu qingyong propagandism group yang lingling leaguer management group li jinghui technology group li ruohan all stepped on to the platform and made splendid speeches.

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文章研究在敏捷制造模式下虚拟企业中盟主企业选择盟员企业过程中的定量评估方法,并给出相关的数学模型。The paper studies on the leaguer evaluation methods in the process of leaguer selection in virtual enterprise under the mode of agile manufacturing, and presents the correlative mathematic models.