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他们在向小耗子大声地嘲笑道。they cried in derision.

她对他的嘲笑使他无地自容。She withered him with derision.

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嘲弄是经典的反应。Derision was the typical reaction.

敌人极尽嘲弄地纵声大笑。In deep derision outlaughs the foeman.

敌人极尽嘲弄地纵声大笑。In deep derision outlaughs the foe man.

嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑。To smirk or laughincontempt or derision.

“美容师”是一个嘲笑的词。The “beauty doctor” was a term of derision.

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这种鸵鸟政策受到嘲笑。This ostrich policy was brought into derision.

孩子们害怕受到同伴的嘲笑。Children dread the derision of their playmates.

新人受到尊重还是嘲笑?Are new people treated with respect or derision?

发嘘声表示反对或不赞同。To express derision or disapproval of with catcalls.

对于嘲笑和误解,我们已耐心忍受几百年。We have been patient through centuries of derision and misuse.

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可笑的是这种无害的小型车竟然能得到如此多的嘲笑。Funny that an innocuous runabout could stir such feelings of derision.

尽管你企图自嘲自谦,但这也阻挡不了我做出以上决定。“Your attempt at derision will not deter me,” he replied with a laugh.

伟大人物的严重疏忽,便是对未来的嘲笑。It is a grave imprudence in a great man to turn the future into derision.

语言上的插科打诨、揶揄嘲笑也有很强的喜剧效果。The buffoonery and derision of Language also have very strong comedy result.

阿基佐夫笑了,是嘲弄,还是觉得有趣,列夫钦科也说不清楚。Azizov smiled, whether out of derision or amusement Levchenko could not tell.

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新来的男孩果真从衣服口袋里掏出两个分币,嘲弄地摊开手掌。The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision.

我们成为邻国的羞辱,成为我们四围人的嗤笑讥刺。We are objects of reproach to our neighbors, of scorn and derision to those around us.

用阴笑、嘲笑、冷笑和皮笑肉不笑,来抗议一个傻笑的时代。He responds to the age of foolish laughter with sneer, ridicule, derision and contempt.