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他试图伪造证据。He tried to forge evidence.

马蹄铁是在锻造厂打出来的。Horseshoes are made in a forge.

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把这根铁条锻造成马掌。Forge the iron bar into a horseshoe.

他象锻炉里的铁一样热起来。He began to heat, like iron in the forge.

锐意进取,永不自满是我的座右铭。Forge ahead, never complacency is my motto.

努力打造利益交融新格局。Forge a new pattern of converging interests.

为西斯征服者输血的就是“星际煅炉”。Fueling the Sith conquest was the Star Forge.

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这是他们要在学院里学习掌握的能力。This is a skill that they forge in grad school.

军阀与鸦片结下了不解之缘。Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.

过去厨房用刀是在锻造厂打出来的。In the past kitchen knives were made in a forge.

面对庄严的税徽,我们要锐意进取。Facing the solemn duty badge, we will forge ahead.

它正尝试打造后美国时代的全球化。It is trying to forge post-American globalisation.

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你知道谁可以帮我虚开一张病假条?Do you know anyone who can forge a sick note for me?

因为只要是个画家,他就可以伪造。Because somebody’s a painter, therefore he can forge.

实践和思考可以逐渐地铸造出一门门艺术。Practice and thought might gradually forge many an art.

无论如何,Ramirez计划还是继续他的工作。Nevertheless, Ramirez plans to forge ahead with his work.

带着犁耙和炼炉,极棒和琴瑟。Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute

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今年,中国同东盟关系继往开来。This year, China-ASEAN relations continue to forge ahead.

会计信息造假案此起彼伏,股市人心涣散。Accounting information forge cases rise one after another.

包你的装备和用品的舒适与锻造35。Pack your gear and supplies comfortably with the Forge 35.