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所有人都会知道原告是谁。Everyone will know who the accuser is.

被告被传和原告对质。The accused was confronted with his accuser.

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我希望和控告我的人当庭对质。I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law.

因此申请人该条损失被申请人应当赔偿。Therefore the accuser should ask for compensation for this loss.

不论控方说什么,他都能给予相应的驳斥。What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation.

控告人如果不服,可以申请复议。If the accuser disagrees with it , he may apply for a reconsideration.

提出指控的受害人是名男孩,叫加文。阿维佐,称为“控告人”。The alleged victim was a boy, Gavin Arvizo, referred to as "the accuser".

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控告人宣称事故发生时,该女孩未满18周岁。Their accuser says she was less than 18 at the time of the alleged incidence.

科比承认与原告发生过性关系,但坚持说是两厢情愿的。Mr. Bryant admitted having sex with his accuser but insisted it was consensual.

但是,在许多国家里,犯罪受害者往往是刑事检控中的原告。But in many countries, a crime victim plays the role of accuser in a criminal prosecution.

基于上述理由,法院判决驳回了原告的诉讼请求。Be based on afore-mentioned reason, the court adjudicates the suit that rejected accuser requests.

因为那在我们神面前昼夜控告我们弟兄的,已经被摔下去了。For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

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后该局根据原告发送到黎略工作邮箱里的申请进行答复。This bureau sends the application in mailbox of Li Lue job to have answer according to accuser after.

除了楼上冤家说的,你要停止食补,每天每餐一条羹芝麻加核桃。In addition to upstairs accuser said, you have to stop Sibu, plus a daily meal of a soup sesame walnut.

法官指出对于这类案件,尤其当控方是唯一证据来源时,要十分谨慎。Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence.

媒体报道称,法官指出,审理此类案件时必须格外谨慎,因为控方是唯一的证人。Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence, media said.

但是,司法专家说,既然案件的原告被揭露是撒了谎,那么DSK很可能被宣判无罪。But legal experts here say DSK is likely to be acquitted now that his accuser has been exposed as a liar and fraudster.

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惟愿有一位肯听我!在这里有我所画的押,愿全能者回答我。愿控告我的写上状辞。Oh that I had someone to hear me! Here is my signature! Let the almighty answer me. and let my accuser write up the charge.

一位立法机关的助手罗沙·胡盛为一位被侮辱的门卫打官司时,提醒原告道伊斯兰教是以和平为宗旨的宗教。When caught off guard by insults last week, Rashad Hussein, a legislative aide, reminded his accuser that Islam is about peace.

不过即使一个妇女设法去向警察报案,且被立案,案件进入审判后仍有障碍。But even if a woman manages to file a police report and her accuser is charged and the case goes to trial, there’s another hurdle.