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在一个外圈侧面。In one outer ring side face.

第四道就是外城了。The fourth is the Outer City.

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然后是北京外环的郊区!And in the outer Beijing Suburbs!

先是外蒙古问题。First, the issue of Outer Mongolia.

但假如你在外太空But suppose you were in outer space.

大牛,你看,这就是木椁的外围。See the outside of the outer coffin?

你的外在美吸引我的视线。Your outer beauty attracted my eyes.

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一到门口,管家就站住了。At the outer door the steward paused.

皮肤外层也有。It'salso the outer layer of our skin.

在外空是没有生命的。Life was not possible in outer space.

外蒙古是谁把它卖给史太林的?Who sold away Outer Mongolia to Stalin?

提起外侧大腿向髋部。Lift your outer thighs toward your hips.

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设想一下你和我将去到外太空。Imagine that you and I go in outer space.

来自外行星的十二位花美男。EXO, From the outer planets twelve flower.

呼气,右脚内收脚外缘落地。Exhale, right foot in and outer edge down.

均匀地提起内侧和外侧足弓。Draw up your inner and outer ankles evenly.

冥王星在太阳系外宇宙有着它自己的家族。Pluto has family in the outer solar system.

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他揭去自行车上的覆盖物。He disclosed the outer covering on the bike.

房外有个院门,和一条简陋的衃?。It had an outer gate, and a rustic approach.

他把洋葱头外面的皮剥了下来。He peeled away the outer layers of the onion.