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高涨的燃料和粮食价格?Soaring fuel and food prices?

汤臣一品的房价还在飞涨。Still, Tomson’s prices are soaring.

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展臂傲翔在月亮的脸庞。Open arms soaring in the face of moon.

飙升的劳动力成本就是一个原因。The soaring cost of labor is one cause.

老鹰再山颠翱翔。The eagle is soaring over the mountains.

可以听到微弱的响起那激扬的二重唱。We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet.

飞升崖是真武大帝仙游的地方。Cliff is soaring Zhenwu Tati heaven place.

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忘掉上海的高耸的摩天大楼吧。Forget the soaring skyscrapers of Shanghai.

飞翔正是中国期待刘翔做到的。Soaring is just what China expects Liu to do.

演讲者猛烈抨击物价飞涨。The speaker declaimed against soaring prices.

着陆山坡是为跳台滑雪页准备的。A landing slops is for ski jumping or ski soaring.

入口是一个穿过四层楼高,直通屋顶的中庭。Entry is through a soaring four-storey-high atrium.

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在河内市中心,房地产价格一直在飙升。Property prices have been soaring in central Hanoi.

有时候,梦想像鲲鹏一样,展翅高飞。Sometimes dream soaring above the earth like a roc.

高涨的房价让一些开发商盆满钵满。Soaring prices have made some property developers rich.

政府采纳艾滋病防范级别措施控制飙升的梅病。AIDS-level prevention measures to slow soaring syphilis.

大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。One day the wind up with big, soaring in the nine miles.

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南乔治亚的王企鹅数量也剧增。South Georgia's king penguin populations too are soaring.

以自己双翼飞翔的鸟儿永远可以飞得更高。Forever may fly by oneself biplane wing soaring bird high.

随着中国工资飞速上涨,这也许不再是遥不可及的梦。With wages soaring in China, that may not be a pipe dream.