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白天我睡不着。I cannot sleep in the daytime.

尽可能避免白天睡觉。Avoid daytime sleep if possible.

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白天用还是晚上用?。Evening or daytime?-l like lace.

我们白天可以看见太阳。We can seethe sun in the daytime.

请不要在白天给我打电话。Don't telephone me in the daytime.

白天的时候,我上了五节课。I had five lessons in the daytime.

有白天也有黑夜。Sometimes daytime and sometimes night.

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请留一个日间的电话号码。Please give a daytime telephone number.

白天铺位折叠成座位。Berths convert to seats for daytime use.

白天,孩子们在水中嬉水。Daytime , children in Shui Zhongxi water.

她的手提包在大白天里给人抢去了。She had her handbag robbed in the daytime.

你能听到白天昆虫停止鸣叫吗?Can you hear the end of the daytime insect?

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他决不会像白昼的海市蜃楼一样逐渐消逝。He'll never fade, like the daytime mirages.

从现在在,之上我在白天的棺架中睡觉。From now on, I sleep in the bier at daytime.

想你的时候,黑夜比白天多。I miss you more at night than in the daytime.

把白天的睡觉时间限定为20分钟,权当一个恢复体力的小盹。Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps.

睡眠时间变长,白天容易犯困。Sleep more and feel drowsy during the daytime.

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首页汽车照明迪士尼线的日间行车灯。Home "Auto" Lighting DRL daytime running lights.

甚至当我只是个孩子的时候,我就贪恋着白天的时光。I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child.

胡说!巫婆白天是没有法力的。Shucks! Witches ain't got no power in the daytime.