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总统控告德克尔。President Sue Decker.

琳娜德克尔一直作为一个魅力模型自2010。Leanna Decker has been working as a glamour model since 2010.

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要是没有女人,男人也许会活得像圣人。---T.德克尔。Were there no women, men might live like gods. ---Thomas Decker.

愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。----M。戴克。Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance. ------Matthew Decker.

愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。-------M。戴克。Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. -------Matthew Decker.

这是在瀑布下赞比西河上的双层渡船所进行的一种雅致巡游。It's a gentle ride in a double decker ferryboat on the Zambezi above the Falls.

它属于被德克和做鱼肉生意的其他人称为“餐盘中心”的鱼。It's what Decker and others in the fish business call a "center-of-the-plate" fish.

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一边墙,是一张双层床,老大楼上,老二楼下。On one side of the room, was a double decker bed, where the two older boys occupied.

伙计们,我们的总统需要休息一下,就像百德公司的吸污天使牌无绳吸尘器,你不给他充电就没法吸脏东西了。Folks, the President needs a break. He’s like a Black and Decker cordless Dirt Devil vacuum.

黑色的黑德克在箱体设计系列Spacemaker德克CO85BM店可以氧化聚乙烯。Black & Decker can be a black box design CO85BM Spacemaker chain in Texas that the oxidation of polyethylene.

介绍了ZNS3双网脱水机的设计原理、结构、操作与维护。Design principle, structure, operation and maintenance of ZNS3 double wire decker were introduced in this paper.

百得集团公司发布了第一款无绳电钻,但却无法用其镍镉电池制造出20瓦特电压。Black and Decker releases its first cordless drill, but designers can't coax more than 20 watts from its NiCd batteries.

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当然,如果我们意识到德克是所有垄断公司中最大一家垄断公司的头头,那他的自相矛盾就不怎么让人奇怪了。Of course, the inconsistency is not so surprisingif we realize that Decker was a director of the greatest monopoly company ofthem all.

当一个女人的烧焦的尸体被发现在一辆汽车的迹象,她的孩子被绑架,陶片和展台怀疑父亲,卡尔德克尔。When a woman's burned body is found in a car with signs that her child was kidnapped, Brennan and Booth suspect the father, Carl Decker.

百患上发展显著,已经在产品立异、质量、致力于终端客户、预设和价值等方面享有盛誉。Throughout its businesses, Black & Decker has established a reputation for product innovation, quality, end-user focus, design, and value.

西奥·德克尔从一家爆炸的展馆逃出,在一位濒死男人的建议下,他获得了修复展馆的联系方式以及一个图章戒指。Theo Decker escapes from an exploded gallery, and takes the advice of a dying man who gives him a contact for restoration and a signet ring.

伙计门,总统需要一会休息。他现在就像个黑人和无线污垢的真空恶魔脱水机如果你不给他的电池再充电,他就不能吮吸了。Folks, the President needs a break. He's like a Black and Decker cordless Dirt Devil vacuum. If you don't recharge his batteries, he can't suck.

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这个庞大的洞穴有2.5英里长,330英尺宽,800英尺高相当于25辆双层巴士的高度。他也被称作山河洞。At a mammoth 2.5 miles long, 330ft wide and almost 800ft high, Hang Son Doong also known as Mountain River Cave, is as high as 25 double decker buses.

一向温顺的苏格兰小猎犬巴尼显然是被共和党的选举失败大为恼火,所以一点也不想被抚爱。The usually affable Scottish terrier, evidently fed up with the recent GOP electoral drubbings, was not in the mood to be petted , but pet Decker did.

随着湖人队的双层巴士缓缓的驶入洛杉矶市区街道,球迷们为湖人队获得的2009年度NBA总冠军欢呼着。Fans cheer as the Lakers ride down the street on double decker buses during their 2009 NBA championship victory parade in downtown Los Angeles, Wednesday, June 17.