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什么环境之下尸体最快腐烂?Under what environment is the body the fastest cankered ?

因为他从不刷牙,所以他的嘴溃疡了。His mouth was cankered because he never brushed his teeth.

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而这个腐烂的手指,正是长在她的身上。And this cankered finger, grow to go up in her body just about.

腐烂的物质可以产生恶臭的致癌物质乙醛。Cankered material can produce effluvial carcinogen aldehyde . 2.

什么病会导致病人的内脏全部腐烂而外表没烂?What what disease can bring about a patient is splanchnic and all cankered and didn't appearance rot?

莲的主要病害有腐烂病。叶斑病等,虫害有蚜虫。金龟子等。The main disease of lotus has cankered disease, leaf spot to wait, insect pest has aphid, chafer to wait.

我能忍受腐烂食物发出的臭气,可你的牲口棚臭味更甚。I can bear the bad smell that cankered food gives out, but stink of your draught animals canopy more very.

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今晚凌晨一点你会准时醒来,会闻到一股腥臭味,那是腐烂尸体发出的味道。You met before dawn tonight punctual awake, can smell a fishy flavour, that is the flavour that cankered body gives out.

香蕉、柠檬、南瓜等的适宜储藏温度是13℃—15℃,低温储存容易使之变黑、腐烂。Banana, citric, pumpkin the appropriate storage temperature that wait is 13 ℃ , 15 ℃ , microtherm stores make easily blacken, cankered.

现代社会是前所未有的开放社会,但在它的每一个角落,也都隐藏着一些对人们个人信息不怀好意的窥伺者。Modern society is unprecedented open society, but each corner in it, also under cover the be on watch for with cankered information of individual of a few pairs of people person.

腐烂的生姜会产生一种毒性很强的物质,可使肝细胞变性坏死,诱发肝癌、食道癌等。Cankered ginger can produce the material with a kind of very strong noxiousness, can make liver cell denaturation is necrotic, cause cancer of cancer of the liver, esophagus to wait.

除去象西宾斯太太那样的老妖婆发疯式的愤怒,”他强笑着补充说,“再没有比看到这孩子发脾气更让人不情愿的了。Save it were the cankered wrath of an old witch, like Mistress Hibbins," added he, attempting to smile, "I know nothing that I would not sooner encounter than this passion in a child.

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除去象西宾斯太太那样的老妖婆发疯式的愤怒,”他强笑着补充说,“再没有比看到这孩子发脾气更让人不情愿的了。Save it were the cankered wrath of an old witch, like Mistress Hibbins, " added he, attempting to smile, "I know nothing that I would not sooner encounter than this passion in a child.

注重,为了避免过多的水份会渗透到木质地板里层,造成发霉、腐烂的情形,使用地板清洁剂时,应尽量将拖把拧干。Attention, to avoid overmuch water the portion can permeate the layer in woodiness floor, create mildewy , cankered situation, when use floor cleaner, should twist mop as far as possible dry.

鉴于一些可能被不怀好意者利用的交友网站不在“黑名单”上,警视厅呼吁未成年人尽量利用“白名单”方式。In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means.