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我羡慕你的好运气。I admire at your fortune.

他们的财富外流了。Their fortune drained away.

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你喜欢幸运签语饼吗?Do you like fortune cookies?

名利的代价何其大。What price fame and fortune?

金钱是生命的训兽师。Fortune is a trainer of life.

他赚了一笔小财。He cleaned up a small fortune.

他发了一笔小财。He cleaned up a small fortune.

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我的命运全靠那项结果。My fortune lies on the result.

这支手表花了提姆一大笔钱。This watch cost Tim a fortune.

好运终于来了。Fortune smiled upon me at last.

他梦想发大财。He dreamed of making a fortune.

储蓄可以积成财富。Savings may swell into fortune.

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他赌博输掉了全部财产。He gambled away all his fortune.

她的财产慢慢消散殆尽。Her fortune just frittered away.

我们不能浪费钱财。We should not spend our fortune.

亚什兰是财富500强公司。Ashland is a fortune 500 company.

每个人都有不同的际遇。Everyone has a different fortune.

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他将自己的财产遗赠给她。He bequeathed his fortune to her.

他把他获得的名望归因于好运。He owed his fame to good fortune.

厄运临头时,才知幸运贵。Misfortunes tell what fortune is.