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现在,沈奎安成了一个标志性的人物。Shen became a marked man.

有一天是用红色标注的。One day was marked in red.

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他的英语分数评得高。His English is marked high.

温度计上是华氏70度。The thermometer marked 70℉.

成效不显。The result is not so marked.

他阅卷评分很宽。He marked the paper leniently.

他的脸上露出悲痛的表情。His face is marked with grief.

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发票上有'付讫'字样。The Invoice be marked ' paid'.

发票上有'付讫'字样。The invoice is marked ' paid'.

商品上标了价格。Prices are marked on the goods.

航道有浮标表示。The channel is marked by buoys.

光圈孔径数字标识小时。Hours marked by aperture values!

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我从清单上划掉了一个项目。I marked out an item in the list.

很多段落都有标红的痕迹。Many passages were marked in red.

抽汲钢丝绳作标记。The swabbing rope is to be marked.

这两只的脖子上戴有项圈。These two are marked with collars.

祖拜迪说,“每件文物都做了标记和记录。”Each piece was marked and recorded.

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他的死标志著一个时代的结束。His death marked the end of an era.

他的逝世标志着一个时代的结束。His death marked the end of an era.

我批改了学生们的小考试卷。I marked the students' quiz papers.