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动作委婉,扇花多变。Euphemistic motion, ever-changing flower fan.

怎么委婉的向人们宣传你的网站或你的产品。The how euphemistic website that publicizes you to people or your product.

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领导不再发言激昂,而是发言“委婉”。The leader sends character infuriation no longer, make a speech however " euphemistic ".

冯至创作柔美风格的形成是他对中国新文学的重要贡献之一。Therefore, his euphemistic style has been one of his great contributions to Chinese new literature.

委婉语最初是与和宗教迷信有关的禁忌语形影相随的。Euphemistic expressions are originally used to replace taboos related to religions and superstitions.

诗的后两句「殷勤谢红叶,好去到人间」,运笔更委婉含蓄。After the two poems, "gracious thank leaves, good to go to the earth", the pen moves more euphemistic.

英汉语言中都存在着许多与“死”相关的委婉表达方式。In both Chinese and English languages, there are many different ways of euphemistic expressions of " death".

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秋,便想起梧桐叶落声,只因易安那句梧桐更兼细雨,只因那道淡淡的委婉伤愁。Autumn, think of Indus Yela sound, only because of easy ANN that trees more with rain, because of the subtle euphemistic sorrow.

委婉表达是商务谈判中一种常见的礼貌语言语用策略。Euphemistic Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation.

女性无论从语音、词汇还是语法方面都更注重语言的准确性,更注意语言的文雅、含蓄和委婉。Women pay much more attention to the accuracy of their speech. And their speech is more graceful, more implicative and euphemistic.

但是如果男人穿高跟鞋的话,大概有不少人会大呼“变态”了,最委婉的也是“另类”。But if the man pull on the high-heel shoe, maybe there are many people can say"abnormality", and the most euphemistic saying is "individuality".

但是如果男人穿高跟鞋的话,大概有不少人会大呼“变态”了,最委婉的也是“另类”。But if the men pull on the high-heeled shoes, maybe there are many people can say"abnormality", and the most euphemistic saying is "individuality".

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坚守预算——甚至许多理财规划师都忌讳这个词语,他们更倾向于委婉的说法“支出计划”——如同节食一般,貌似太过了。Sticking to a budget — a dirty word even among many financial planners, who prefer the more euphemistic “spending plan” — feels too much like dieting.

“臆想的西方本位主义者”就是民族主义的大陆人用来为自己无耻,欺骗和偷窃所辩解的借口。"ProWestern ideology & subjectivity" is a euphemistic phrase nationalistic Mainlanders use to justify China's lack of morality, cheating, stealing, etc.

科瑞隆和莎罕妮的名字在卓尔看来完全就是亵渎,提到别的神氏的时候,向地面吐口水已经是最婉转的方式了。The names of Corellon and Sehanine are blasphemy to a drow's ears, and even a euphemistic reference to either god is accompanied by spitting on the ground.

委婉语就是用婉转的、文雅的话语来表述或代替人们所忌讳的、不便提及的以及被认为是不雅的、不洁的事物。Euphemism is to use euphemistic and gentle words to express or replace things which are taboo or inconvenient to mention or considered as vulgar or unclean.

作为外交语言的一种策略和语言技巧,恰当地运用委婉语言可以满足特殊的社交需要,完成交际任务。As one of the tactics and speech skills, appropriate euphemistic wording can meet the special requirements of social contact and accomplish the communicative task.

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在范畴的不同层次这一理论下,禁忌语是基本层次范畴,委婉语是上位范畴。When it comes to the levels of categorization, the tabooed words are basic level categories and the euphemistic expressions are the superordinate level categories.

意象之美与作者的情感体验融合成种种含蓄委婉、九曲回肠的深远意境。The beauty of images and the author's emotional experience inosculate into varieties of implicit and euphemistic artistic conception which rounds about nine ileums.

然而,就在这种情形下,面对美国民众的当务之急——经济安全问题,一场全力以赴的战争,甚至连一次美其名曰的“新黎明行动”都不在当局的计划之中。Yet, there is no talk of an all-out war or even a euphemistic Operation New Dawn to tackle the most pressing issue for ordinary Americans – their economic security.