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这为是黄罗荀。This is Robert Wong.

你喜欢罗伯特·弗朗斯特吗?Do you like Robert Frost?

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罗伯特是个穷焊接工。Robert was a poor welder.

她说,罗伯特和我。She said to Robert and me.

这是劳勃斯特朗爵士。This is Ser Robert Strong.

罗伯特,我的老婆就很不规矩。My wife is a bitch, Robert.

罗柏是一个富有的年轻人。Robert is a rich young man.

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我们看得出来罗伯特紧张得很。I can see Robert is nervous.

罗伯特·罗森伯格也死了。Robert Rauschenberg is dead.

因为罗伯特·罗德里格兹。Because it’s Robert Rodriguez.

其中一位是美国人罗伯特•加洛。One, Robert Gallo, is American.

罗伯特·D·恩赖特博士警告道。cautions Robert D. Enright, PhD.

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盖里•赫富博尔和罗伯特•劳伦斯Gary Hufbauer and Robert Lawrence

我的丈夫罗伯特告诉我不。My husband Robert told me not to.

他叫。Robert Young his is Robert Young.

罗伯特遗弃了他年轻的妻子。Robert ran out on his young wife.

罗伯特也是电脑录入员吗?Is Robert a keyboard opertor, too?

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罗伯特•伯德逝世,享年92岁。Robert Byrd died at the age of 92.

菲菲,这是我哥哥罗伯特。Feifei, this is my brother, Robert.

我知道那是罗伯特·彭斯写的一首诗。I know it's a poem by Robert Burns.