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这颗小行星需要花238年绕太阳运行一周。This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun.

编号为2012号小行星被命名为“郭守敬星”。Asteroid 2012 Guo Shou-Jing was named after him.

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小行星会在不到一天的时间内撞击地球。The asteroid would hit Earth in less than a day.

载克太1号是迄今发现的首颗小行星卫星。Dactyl is the first moon of an asteroid ever discovered.

舒尔茨·马库奇说,“小行星冲撞或者超新星爆发都能威胁到我们。Asteroid impact can threaten us, or a supernova explosion.

高斯高炉不再使用小行星的旅游效应。Gauss Blast no longer uses asteroid for its travel effect.

陨石是掉落地球的小行星残骸。Meteorites are asteroid fragments that fall to the ground.

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赫尔方接着补充道,追踪小行星只是调查的第一步。Helfand added that tracking an asteroid is just the first step.

G5KW星域的小行星带刷新问题已经提交。An asteroid seeding issue in the G5KW region has been addressed.

这也许是我们第一次见到小行星粉碎的例子。It would be the first case we've seen of an asteroid smash happneing.

目前已知混乱的霍斯小行星带就栖息着这样一个大家伙。The chaotic Hoth asteroid field is known to host such a massive specimen.

该项目的目标是在2025年把宇航员送入太空去探索小行星。The goal of the program is to send astronauts to explore an asteroid by 2025.

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这个孩子是阿拉小行星带附近一个荒凉世界的弃婴。The infant had been orphaned on a desolate world near the Arah asteroid belt.

母鸡产下一只蛋,往往大声啼叫,好象产下小行星似的。Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid.

史巴尔立即人定有颗大体积的小行星正向地球冲来。To Spahr, it seemed apparent that a large asteroid was barreling toward Earth.

设小行星是个光滑的规则圆球,表面返照率不变。The asteroid is the smooth spherical uniform ball with constant surface albedo.

这颗小行星是在一次例行检查中被一颗卫星发现的。The asteroid was first spotted during a routine survey performed by a satellite.

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正如大家所知,恐龙的终结是由于地球与一个小行星发生碰撞。The dinosaurs were done for, as everybody knows, by a collision with an asteroid.

在那段时期的中间,也就是三叠纪时期,一颗小行星撞击了地球。About halfway through that period, known as the Triassic, an asteroid struck Earth.

我们的系统也适合观测小行星掩星以及迦玛爆馀晖源。Our system is also useful for asteroid occultations and gamma-ray burst afterglows.