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天空在缝啊,缝啊,不知疲倦地缝着and the sky which sews and sews, tirelessly sewing

退休工人不倦地修理整个轮胎。The retired worker repairs the entire tire tirelessly.

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然后,我马不停蹄就去了商诗父母的家里。Then, I tirelessly went to a company the poem parents' home.

而江水汲汲流于海,终弗竭也。But rivers flow tirelessly to the sea, never ending in exhaustion.

为了拯救黎民百姓,他孜孜不倦地钻研祖国医学。In order to save the people, he tirelessly studied Chinese medicine.

她不知疲倦的工作,而且能够记住每个人的名字。She worked tirelessly and had the knack of remembering everyone's name.

为此,她四处奔走呼告,希望能有一个全国性的纪念日。For this she campaigned tirelessly to bring about a national observance.

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骆晓春孜孜不倦地向顾阡陌求婚,终于获得了成功。LuoXiaoChun tirelessly to propose to gu buildings, and finally succeeded.

波帕尔是一名后卫,但她经常不知疲倦地投入进攻去。Bhopal is a defender, but she always worked tirelessly to put into attack.

筛着干的木薯粉的妇女们为了做几个匡扎不知疲倦的工作着。The women sifting dried cassava work tirelessly just to make a few kwanza.

那个不倦地修琇了整个轮胎的退休工人被授予了一个头衔。A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the entire tire tirelessly.

那个不倦地修理了整个轮胎的退休工人被授予了一个头衔。A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the entire tire tirelessly.

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剃头膏事件之后,邓文迪就不知疲倦地投入到电影的宣传中。When she isn't felling pie throwers, Wendi has been tirelessly promoting the movie.

那小巧的花瓣不知疲倦地层叠着,直看得我心旷神怡,叹为观止。That compact tirelessly cascading petals, and straight to see me feel good, amazing.

虽然希拉里.克林顿入主白宫的前景日益暗淡,但她仍然不知疲倦地继续竞选。Despite the fading prospects for her candidacy, Clinton continues to campaign tirelessly.

这个不倦地修理了整个轮胎的退休务工佣人被授予了一个头衔。A title is entitled to the retired stayer which repwaterdroped the entire tire tirelessly.

公司将不懈奋斗继续推陈出新,做中国出口贸易的拓荒者。JBA will work tirelessly to do Chinese export trade and the pioneers to world empty spaces.

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骄子人将孜孜不倦的努力为您的生活增添新色彩新概念!!!Proud people will be worked tirelessly for your life the new concept of adding a new color! ! !

中华捐书会拥有一支富有活力、孜孜不倦的杰出团队,正在为把这个世界变得更加美好而不断努力着。The Library Project has an amazing team that tirelessly strives to make the world a better place.

你不知疲倦地奔跑在永恒而神圣的阳光中,在地上印下深深的脚印。You gallop tirelessly in perpetual and blessed sunshine, your feet a few inches above the ground.