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这个过程叫做呼吸作用。This process is called respiration.

呼吸作用能够提供更多的能量。Respiration provides a bigger energy kick.

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观察呼吸和感受给予我两种帮助。Respiration and sensations will help in two ways.

她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。She brought her to life by artificial respiration.

氮素形态使作物体内呼吸途径改变,并可改变呼吸商。The N form could change the pathway of respiration.

如呼吸停止,进行人工呼吸。If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration.

爱是汲取天堂空气的至上之乐。Love is a celestial respiration of the air of paradise.

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确定磨盘柿为呼吸跃变型果实。Mopan persimmon was confirmed as respiration climacteric fruit.

所有病人未发生呼吸抑制及苏醒延迟。None of them had respiration inhibiting and postponed wakening.

卵上微小的突起物也许像通气管一样帮助呼吸。The delicate projections may aid, like snorkels, in respiration.

所有的新鲜果蔬都会产生的呼吸热。Heat of respiration generated by all fresh fruits and vegetables.

糖分含量的变化与呼吸作用关系甚大。The change of sugar content greatly depends upon the respiration.

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而DNP处理则降低交替呼吸途径容量。DNP treatment reduced the alternative respiration pathway capacity.

氮肥对裸土的土壤呼吸无显著影响。The N fertilizer had no significant effect on bare soil respiration.

但这些细菌中不包括沙门氏菌,因为它习惯于通过呼吸作用。Except salmonella. Because it’s adapted to use the respiration route.

呼吸显得表浅,并且时常中断。The respiration appears superficial, and is interrupted now and then.

目的探讨红花注射液对细胞呼吸的作用。OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Honghua injection on cell respiration.

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当杰克快淹死时,他们用人工呼吸使他恢复知觉。When Jack nearly drowned, they brought him to by artificial respiration.

比如,延脑负责心率与呼吸The medulla, for instance, is responsible for heart rate and respiration.

缺氧呼吸只将食物的一小部份能量放出。Anaerobic respiration liberates only a small amount of the energy in food.