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这是强制性的。This is mandatory.

分组作业是强制的。Sections are mandatory.

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该属性是强制的。This property is mandatory.

所有课程中的章节都是必修的Sections are also mandatory.

DHI不会进行强制调查。DHI does not conduct mandatory surveys.

并非所有这些接口都是强制的。Not all these interfaces are mandatory.

这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut?

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它是强制访问控制的一种形式。It is a form of mandatory access control.

你是如何看待强制投票的呢?What is your opinion of mandatory voting?

设计师试图不用必填项和可选项。designers tend to use few mandatory fields

必须填写。资料只用于信用调查。Mandatory information for credit check only.

这些有兰色背景字段是必填的。The fields on blue background are mandatory.

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为何正号是强制的?Why is it mandatory that I find a plus sign?

这是必须通过考核的吗?Is it mandatory that I complete the workbook?

又是轻钢结构的,但已经人去屋空。So, it is mandatory to process steel structure.

利用强制休息的时间去找新工作。Use mandatory time off to look for another job.

美国没有强制带薪年假。There is no mandatory paid annual leave in the U.S.

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让我们来看一看一些命令式的标题。Let’s have a look at some of these mandatory titles.

在我们的实例中需要强制填写几个字段。Several fields are mandatory to fill in in our case.

我们还要给治理费和托管费吗?。Do we give administration fee and mandatory cost even?