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这个故事是虚拟的。This is a fictitious story.

作品所描绘的,尽都是凭记忆组成的虚构场景。It is a fairly fictitious view of a memory"."

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是一个假想中公司的名字。Periwigs ' is the name of a fictitious company.

这个故事里的人物都是假想的。The characters in this story are all fictitious.

那些故事都是假的,全是一派胡言。The characters in this story are all fictitious.

这是作家创造的一个虚拟人物。Thes is a fictitious figure created by the writer.

叙事诗在时间的把握上体现出更明显的虚构性。The time in narrative poem is obviously fictitious.

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他有关抢劫银行的陈述全是假的。His account of the bank robbery was completely fictitious.

我们的想法可能是误导的,但不可能是虚构的。Our thoughts may be delusive, but they can't be fictitious.

小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。The story my mother told me when I was young is fictitious.

这个皮包公司专做买空卖空的生意。This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.

他最自豪的功绩,戳穿后才知大抵都是虚构的。His most vaunted exploits were exposed as largely fictitious.

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去看这些问题,你会发现它们子虚乌有。Look into the problems and you will find they are fictitious.

第三,销售虚拟社区的周边产品。The 3rd, sell the circumjacent product of fictitious community.

演示展示了一个虚构公司的人力成本报告。The demo shows the report of human cost at a fictitious company.

他说,没有假投票站或做好记号的选票。He says there are no fictitious polling stations or pre-marked ballots.

网络社会的虚拟性决定了人际传播中的角色行为与角色期待之间存在偏差。As we all know, the character of Internet is fictitious and double-acting.

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当然,这是该微博博主随意虚拟出来的故事。Certainly it is a casual and fictitious story made up by the microblogger.

当然,这是该微博博主随意虚构出来的故事。Certainly, it is a casual and fictitious story made up by the microblogger.

它定义了一个包含必须翻译的元素的虚构面板。It defines a fictitious panel containing an element that must be translated.