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车停在大门口。The car parked at the gateway.

可视图文网关控制?。VGC? Videotex Gateway Control?

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感恩-是拥有财富的法门。Gratitude is the gateway to wealth.

反抗军把Tiji称为“入口之城”。The rebels call Tiji a gateway city.

投奔我的关口是十字架的苦难。The gateway is the cross to get to Me.

还有一个可以提供VPN网关。Yet another could provide a VPN gateway.

显然,平和是通向世界的一个大门。Therefore, GLV is a gateway to the world.

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港塔大厦。是否邻近海港城?。Gateway Tower. Is it near the Harbor City?

港威年夜厦,它是否附近海港城?Gateway Tower. Is it near the Harbour City?

这就是我们的“发展之门”网站的用意。This is the intent of the Development Gateway.

我需要的是使这个大门起作用的一种方法。What I need is a way to make this gateway work.

多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。The port of Dover is Englands gateway to Europe.

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哎呀,伊犁这道天然的大门真够漂亮的!Wow, this natural gateway of Ili is so beautiful!

而奥运会只是进入宝岛的大门。The Olympics is just the gateway to that island.

新闸道实例将会在哪个连接埠上侦听?。What port will the new gateway instance listen on?

现在是建立网关代理服务的时候了。Now itâ ™s time to setup the gateway proxy service.

在这里,我们只需更改这些网关对的顺序。We can just change the order of these gateway pairs.

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巴比伦的意思就是上帝的门道。Babylon means the city that is the gateway of the god.

几个步兵朝库塔菲耶夫门跑去。Several infantry soldiers ran to the Kutafyev gateway.

协议桥接是一种强大的网关使用方法。Protocol bridging is a powerful way of using a gateway.