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我想帮忙的,但却越帮越忙。I wanted to help but I gave more hindrance.

这可以在所有法律方面的障碍。This can be hindrance in all the legalities.

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在这个阶段,最佳实践可以起到帮助和阻碍的双重作用。Best practices can be both a help and a hindrance at this stage.

最后,本文讨论了空间位阻效应对反应性质的影响。In the end, the steric hindrance of the acetyl group was discussed.

这一护照使旅行者可以无阻碍地入境。The passport opened frontiers to the traveller without let or hindrance.

阻力因素对艺术创作冲动起着重要作用。Hindrance factors play an important role in the impulse of artistic creation.

牟宗三先生的“良知坎陷”论是一种很有启发意义的观点。Mu Zongsan's assumption of conscience hindrance is worth of great enlightenment.

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自动邮件列表对你的个人时间可以是非常有帮助的,也可以是一个障碍。Automated email lists can be a great help or a hindrance to your individual time.

对于老年人,年轻时代的正常目标,变成了一种神经官能症的障碍。What was a normal goal for the young man becomes a neurotic hindrance to the old.

由于载体的立体位阻的关系,大分子化合物不能接触到配基。Macromolecules cannot approach the ligand owing to steric hindrance of the matrix.

任何泡沫的稳定性归根到底都依赖于阻止泡泡们的合并。The stability of any foam ultimately relies on the hindrance of bubble coalescence.

通过增加反应的空间位阻改进了反应的立体选择性。The stereoselectivity was improved by increasing steric hindrance of the reactions.

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电极效应在用偶极-偶极排列时是经常遇到的一种干扰因素。Electrode effects, which are always a hindrance when the Dipole-Dipole array is used.

本文第四章解决了第三章中位阻太大,不能形成三桥联分子的问题。In the forth chapter, we solved the problem of steric hindrance in the third chapter.

在公有云上部署这样的PaaS产品的最大障碍就是信任关系。The biggest hindrance to deploying these types of PaaS offerings on public clouds is trust.

这几节圣经给我们看见祷告方面一件非常的事情,就是撒但直接的拦阻。We have wonderful teaching here on prayer, and we are shown the direct hindrance from Satan.

你从彩云之南徐徐走来,千里烟波的阻碍不过是一场彼岸烟花。From you, walking slowly, thousands of miles of lakeshore hindrance is but a shore fireworks.

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此外,一些专家认为中国军队的规模是现代化的障碍。Furthermore, some experts see the very size of the Chinese army as a hindrance to modernization.

文中从取代基的电子效应和空间位阻角度分析了产率的变化规律。The electric effect and steric hindrance from alkyl groups controlling the yields were discussed.

但是他们对华丽和奢侈的事物的过分追求有可能成为他们成功道路上的阻碍。But, the constant need for splendor and extravagance can be a hindrance in his journey of success.